Sep 20, 2008 20:23

How did we get here?
Your character got summoned to future-Earth by FTV, and sent to the desert island mansion. Do the specifics really matter?

Okay, what have we got with us? What about powers?
Well, powers are off for the obvious reason: your characters are on Earth, and Earth has rules and limits that even they have to follow. As for items, your characters have anything they had on them when they were summoned. However, all magical items are now just normal items, and your character now has a collar around their neck.

OH GOD, are we doing the stupid shock/choking/whatever collar thing again?
Nope, the collars are unremovable, but they're just portable mics and cameras. Why bother with potentially damaging collars when the network can just port the characters right back onto the island if they try to escape, anyway?

How about food? Or water?
Food, water, first aid kits, and all the basic necessities have all been stocked in the basement of the mansion. There's running tap water as well as bottled water, and there's enough freeze-dried food to last for over a year. However, there won't be any restocking any time soon, so if someone decides to mess with the food supply, looks like everyone's screwed.

So what are these "monologue" things?
Every character has to do at least one ten-minute monologue post (comments-disabled post to unrealminutes) every week. They're required by the station because they use these as fillers between scenes (you know, the things you see where the people are sitting there telling you about how they're feeling). They DO keep a checklist, so be prepared to talk, and talk a lot.

Is there a penalty for not doing them?
Yes. Things like penalty votes against them, loss of vote immunity even if they win the competition that week, things that will make it easier for them to be voted off.

Can we do multiple monologue posts?
Sure! Have your character tell us all about how another character pissed them off, or how much of a raging bitch another is, or how they're falling in love with someone else... it's a soundproof confession room for a reason!

Who can hear the monologue posts?
Anyone in the OOC community. None of the characters playing in the game can hear each other's monologues, obviously.

How do the competitions work?
Each week will have a theme, chosen from a list of already-existing reality tv shows. For example, if the theme were "Are You Smarter than a Fifth Grader?" the mods would post a series of rounds of questions throughout the week that the characters would answer ICly, progressing through rounds until only one remains. The winner would have vote immunity for the week, meaning that he, she, or it cannot be voted off that round. Remember that participation in competitions will be entirely optional.

How does the voting work?
A poll is put up each week, and you vote for the character you want to be voted off the island. The character(s) with the most votes will disappear at the start of the next round. The number of characters voted off each week depends on the total number there are for the season. All the votes are cast by FTV's viewers -- that is, you OOC (and anybody who wants to stalk this community).

What happens to characters that are voted off?
They get summoned back to the FTV network headquarters and get placed in a holding area where they can interact remotely with the viewers (the OOC community) but NOT the other characters (the IC community). Note that there's no "going home" until the end of the Season, so there's no reason to TRY and get yourself voted off.

Can characters vote?
Yes and no. Not in the main game, but once they are voted off, characters MAY vote in the weekly polls, as they are now viewers, and interact with the "audience" (you OOC) and try to sway their votes. That's right, if your character wants vengeance on another, they do sort of get a chance to do that.

So why the hell should our characters play, anyway?
Well, why NOT? They're stuck here until the Season is over whether they decide to interact or not -- and not interacting will probably get them voted off for being boring lumps. It's better to be on the island with the others than in a lonely holding cell in the FTV headquarters, isn't it? And besides, there's the secret prize...

Secret prize?
Yep. It's a secret.

Okay, so do our characters know all this?
Yep. They get filled in with the basics when they arrive, aside from all the obvious 4th-wall breaking stuff. So they DO know that they're on a show, that they're being watched, and they can't go home until it's over, et cetera.
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