
Dec 06, 2010 23:23

Welcome to unniemeta! A place for discussions about our favorite K-pop girl groups.

How do I participate in discussion?
Our hope is to make this place have some lively, thoughtful discussions. Our main concern is for everyone to stay open-minded and to be considerate. We recognize that there may be topics about which people have strong opinions, but please be polite, thoughtful, and considerate while having discussions. It's okay if it's heated, just not rude. Okay?

What is the point of this community?
To provide thoughtful discussions about our favorite female k-pop idols. To share insightful opinions with others ande help them answer questions they might have.

What is meta?
Meta is basically discussion of canon, backed up by textual references, speculations about future development of plot and characters, their emotional state and motivation as well as their interaction on the basis of the already existing material.

+ On Fridays there will be discussion posts held. Everyone is encouraged to participate. These will be about various things such as a particular group, music video, photoshot, solo artist, etc. There will always be a poll to decide what Fridays discussion will be about.
+ Members are encouraged to write and post their own meta about female groups/artists here.
+ Please tag your entries appropriately.
+ Engaging in discussion and debates is fun, but please refrain from pointless arguing and bashing. Show respect to your fellow members.
+ Metas can be about a particular group, member, pairing, artist, etc. (as long as the focus is on a female Korean pop artist).

!rules, !mod

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