I'm So Glad I'm Spending Eternity With You (Hae's birthday special <3333)

Oct 17, 2010 12:15

So...i did this in kind of a hurry...and im not too happy with how it turned out/i admit i could have spent more time on it. but here it is! the sequel to "You Are So Beautiful" which was Yoong's birthday special! :D

I'm So Glad I'm Spending Eternity With You

According to the calendar, autumn was just arriving and the leaves were still on the trees, but they had changed into lovely, vibrant colors of red, orange and yellow, accentuating Seoul’s simple beauty. On this day, the sun was smiling overhead and no one could help being in a good mood. According to the calendar, on this blindingly perfect day, Lee Donghae was about to become the happiest man alive.

“You’re hopeless, Donghae,” Hyukjae chuckled as he had to help his best friend with his bowtie for the umpteenth time. “Hyung, stop choking me,” Donghae complained, but he still had a dopey, dreamy grin on his face. Key peeked his head into the dressing room and said, “Damn, Donghae-hyung, you look great! No wonder Yoona wants to marry a hunk like you.” Everyone laughed and Donghae only looked away in embarrassment. What Key said was undoubtedly true though: Donghae looked blindingly handsome in his tuxedo and totally stood out from the group of better-looking-than-average males gathered in the dressing room.

Ryeowook and Kyuhyun came up from behind and tackled Donghae. “Hyunggg...why do you have to leave us?” Ryeowook complained in a babyish voice. “Yeah hyung, why is Yoona-ssi lucky enough to have you? Don’t leave me!” said Kyuhyun. Donghae laughed and pushed the younger two off of him. “Speak for yourself, Kyu. Who was the one talking non-stop all last night at my Bachelor’s party about Seohyun?” Laughter swelled in the room again and the former Super Junior maknae only pouted and glared accusingly at Donghae.

Leeteuk came over, chuckling and pushing the two younger men away as he said, “Oh Hae, you look so handsome. You’re going to be the perfect husband…I can’t believe it…marrying off my Im Choding…it’s enough to make me cry! If it was any one else who asked for her hand in marriage, I wouldn’t have let their arrangements get this far and I would have been totally against it…but since it’s you, Hae…I wish you two the best of the years to come and forevermore.” Donghae was ready to tear up but decided against it and simply embraced his leader hyung who had guided him through life all these years.

Heechul came bursting into the room with a camera and announced, “Everyone, you’re on film! Hey, Donghae, I got a shot of your bride-to-be in her dress and she looks A-MA-ZING.” Donghae yelled at him, “You pervert, how’d you get into the girls’ dressing room?” “Oh hush, Donghae, you’re just jealous that I got to see her in her wedding dress before you did!”

To everyone’s amusement, Donghae simply turned bright red and wished time could speed up so he could lay eyes on the lovely creature that was soon to be his wife. “Congratulations, Donghae,” came a voice from behind him and he turned around to find Taecyeon standing there. “Taecyeon?” Donghae said as he stared in disbelief. “Is 2PM here too?” “That’s right,” confirmed Nichkhun who seemed to come out of nowhere. “We’re happy for you, hyung, really,” said Changmin. “But if you so much as make her cry,” warned Kibum. “We’ll make your life living hell,” all four of them chimed in together.

“Hey you guys, stop bullying the groom on his wedding day,” Siwon came over and scolded the other men, shooing them away and patting Donghae on the back saying, “You really are a lucky man, hyung.” Donghae simply grinned in return. As the former members of Super Junior (Han Geng was temporarily visiting), SHINee, Big Bang, 2AM, and other bands started to fill the room to pay Donghae a visit, his mind wandered off to how Yoona was doing and how he absolutely longed to see her in her wedding dress…

“Omo!! Yoona! You look stunning in that dress!” Sunny squealed as Yoona, turning bright pink, observed herself in the mirror. “Calm down, unnie, you’ve already seen me in this dress three times before…” “And you look more and more gorgeous each time,” Yuri cut in and she went over and hugged the girl she had used to share a room with who was now the woman who was about to marry the man she loved above everything else.

“Just look at you,” sighed Taeyeon. “When we were just debuting as So Nyuh Shi Dae, you were only a dorky teenager…now…you’re all grown up…about to marry Donghae…in this beautiful dress…and…oh God, I’m tearing up…” Tears were starting to pool in the former SNSD leader’s doll eyes and Jessica came over and gathered her up in an embrace. “There, there, Taeyeon,” she said. “Oh Yoona, you really don’t have any idea how absolutely beautiful you look in that dress. Good thing Tiffany and I came with you dress-shopping.”

Jessica spoke the absolute truth. While the girls looked very lovely in their bridesmaid dresses, Yoona seemed to be the very essence of beauty in the whole dressing room. Her dress was simple because Im Yoona didn’t need much to make her stand out but it was strapless as well as long and flowing. From her bodice down, little simple and elegant patterns were stitched in to make Yoona look like an angel delivered right down from Heaven itself.

Ever since her fiancé (and soon to be husband) had proposed to her with the song he had written for her on the night of her birthday a year ago, they had immersed themselves in planning out their wedding from day one. Donghae had been in on nearly every decision they made and he didn’t even mind when Yoona argued and absolutely needed her way. It simply seemed too good to be true that she was here, now, about to marry him…she thought of how she had had the greatest luck in her life to meet him, and more importantly, be part of SM and SNSD in order to meet him.

Seohyun glanced at Yoona and said in a concerned voice, “Unnie, what’s wrong?” Hyoyeon came over, examined Yoona and said, “Oh, Seohyun, she’s crying! On her wedding day too!” It was Yoona’s turn now for the tears to brim in her eyes and she hiccupped and said, “You…You guys…from the first day SNSD came together…you’ve always stood by me…if-if it weren’t for you guys…I would have never met him…I…I love all of you…so much…you know that right?”

Sooyoung simply embraced the crying younger girl and everyone followed suit. “Pabo, stop crying, you’ll ruin your makeup,” she scolded her, despite that her own voice was shaky. All nine girls, the former members of the once most popular girl group in South Korea, huddled together, all of them shedding tears, some of sadness and mostly of joy that their Im Choding was finally growing up.

There was a knock on the door and Yoona’s father peeked his head into the door. “Yoona…it’s time.” A small, faint smile was on his face which his daughter took to be one of joy.

The former stars of entertainment companies had seen many of their friends married off, but a majority would have agreed that there had never been a more perfectly planned out wedding or a more beautiful bride that day. Murmurs and compliments were passed around when the eight bridesmaids strode down the isle and you could hear Taeyang playing “Wedding Dress” in the background (It was something of a light-hearted joke and since Park Bom was right by his side the whole time, he didn’t seem to mind).

But when at last the bride glided into the chapel, a string of pearls around her neck and a veil dancing lightly above her face, all conversation ceased and even Taeyang stopped playing to just simply gaze upon her. Yoona felt slightly uncomfortable and felt her face grow warm and her steps lose its rhythm.

She then looked up and saw her groom and she had to bite her tongue to keep from giggling and a feeling of pure joy rose up in her. Donghae had always told himself how lucky he was to have Yoona…but when he finally laid eyes on her, a magical porcelain dark-haired fairy coming down the aisle, about to take her vows and be with him for forever…he could have sworn his heart had stopped for a few seconds. His eyes widened and his mouth hung open just a bit.

When Yoona finally reached him, she whispered, “Oppa, you look like a fish with that face.” Donghae could only smile in return and he kept his eyes on her, even as the priest read aloud his speech on marriage. Nothing, not even Taeyang playing the keyboard nearby registered in his mind. To him, the only thing he saw, the only thing he could sense was Yoona.

“Do you, Lee Donghae, take Im Yoona as your lawfully wedded wife?”

“I do.”

“Do you, Im Yoona, take Lee Donghae as your lawfully wedded husband?”

Yoona was now so emotional, she was choked up, but one glance at Donghae instantly calmed her nerves. “I…I do.”

“I now pronounce you husband and wife.”

The entire chapel burst into applause and time seemed to burst into hundreds of sparks of fireworks, spreading, flying everywhere, nonsensical as Donghae took Yoona into his arms and pressed his lips to hers, his first kiss with his new wife and Yoona lost herself in her first kiss with her new husband.

They couldn’t keep their eyes off each other, both of them with dopey grins as they stared lovingly at each other, even when everyone gathered around them to throw rice. During the reception, they were congratulated by so many of their friends and family and sometime during the dances, someone had cranked up old songs that used to be so popular and everyone danced their hearts out, laughing and having a good time.

They smiled to each other in secret as they saw couples on the dance floor: Leeteuk teasing Taeyeon about the food on her face, Jonghyun French-kissing Jessica right there in front of everyone, Seohyun and Kyuhyun swaying somewhat awkwardly and so many more. All the while, they held each other, dancing and swaying to the music and nothing could erase the radiant smiles on their faces.

And when the night came and everyone left, they drove to the lovely flat they had bought just four months ago and there, they both discovered a pleasure and ecstasy that was better than anything they had known and when their cries of want and passion rang out in the room, they finally collapsed on each other, both whispering “I love you…”

“…Hey…” A sleepy, incoherent voice rang through Donghae’s dream and he turned to face her, his ever-beautiful wife. “Honey, you know it’s you’re birthday today, right?” He smiled, shifted over closer so that they were pressed together chest-to-chest. “Mmm, yeah…I was just remembering our wedding day…hardly seems like it was a year ago.” He felt her lips lightly touch his collarbone and he felt an inward shiver of happiness. “You know, I don’t need anything for my birthday. It’s just enough to wake up everyday to see you here with me.”

Yoona sat up and said, “Then you don’t want to know what your present is then? And I waited this whole time to surprise you too!” Donghae stared at her and inquired, “What is it?” Yoona was silent as she lowered her head down and her husband could see that her face was bright red. She instinctively dropped her hand to her bare stomach, looked up and said:

“I’m pregnant, Donghae.”

Donghae stared at her, stunned. Then, an explosion of pure joy sounded in his head and he suddenly embraced her, accidentally knocking her down on the bed. “That…That’s wonderful, Yoona! Omo, it’s...it’s my kid…” Yoona squeaked as Donghae’s body pressed her down. “Our child…this baby…it will be the most beautiful thing in the world.” Yoona gazed into her husband’s eyes and saw how absolutely delighted he was and she asked, “Best present ever?”

“Of course, beautiful. I love you and the child soon to come into this world…I’m so glad I’m spending eternity with you."

Yoona simply smiled back and leaned up to kiss the man who helped her create the child she bore now.

comments appreciated greatlyyyy!!! :D

And even though I'm quite late....

Happy 24th birthday, dearest Lee Donghae. You've impacted me so much in the past year and are a great role model for me. I absolutely adore you and your cute actions, with how much you care not just for your hyungs and dongsaengs in Super Junior but also other people. You will forever be my male bias and I'm so happy to have found Super Junior & discovered you on the internet from (of course xD) watching Sorry, Sorry. Of course, I definitely hope that you and Yoona might discover what you two have for each other and wish that maybe in afterlife, you become my brother :D I wish you the absolute best of luck in your illustrious career that is to come in the entertainment business.

- one of your greatest fans, Cee-Cee <3

oneshots, pairing: yoonhae, fanfiction

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