We know the story by now, I suppose? ACTA is bad, but the European Parliament still needs to approve it, and there is a real chance they can be convinced not to do so if the people they represent make enough noise.
Stop ACTA has summaries of and links to everything that's relevant. Here are some of the actions they recommend, in order of how much
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Comments 8
Either way, this threatens the most terrifying type of private-sector human rights violation--powerful private actors acting with the backing of, but no meaningful check from, the public sector. Bless you for acting against this. I've signed the petition and wish I could do more, because if this crap can go down in Europe it's only a matter of time on our own shores.
This not just threatens the kind of violations you describe - the groundwork has already been laid. It's indeed pretty damn terrifying, which is why I badly, badly hope that we can still stop it in the places where it's not quite ratified yet, like Europe. People woke up after SOPA/PIPA, but too late for some things.
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