I am a domestic extremist.  Are you?

Nov 24, 2010 10:09

Janet Napolitano and Barack Obama say so.  And so are you, if you object to anything TSA does to you or anyone else.  It's laid out in an internal TSA memo recently leaked to Canada Free Press by a DHS employee "troubled by the terminology and content" of the memo, wherein "any person who “interferes” with TSA airport security screening procedure protocol and operations by actively objecting to the established screening process, “including but not limited to the anticipated national opt-out day”, and "any person, group or alternative media source" that "actively objects to, causes others to object to, supports and/or elicits support for anyone who engages in such travel disruptions at U.S. airports in response to the enhanced security procedures" is declared to be a "domestic extremist".

Well, if that's the criteria, then I'm proud to be one.  This Government moves further beyond the limits of its lawful Constitutional authority every day.  As long as Washington is going to declare me a domestic extremist for thinking they shouldn't be groping and fondling airline passengers under the color of authority for the sake of security theater, I will stand and declare my opinion that the regime now operating in Washington D.C. is no longer the lawful and Constitutionally-empowered government of the United States.

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