Mini Phase: Winter Wonderland!

Jan 24, 2014 03:41

Welcome to The Winter Wonderland!

I know there's very little wonderlandy about this winter but maybe we can change that! I know some people are far away in their insane heat and even the idea of winter is remote for you, but maybe this will help you feel cooler!

This mini phase will not be the same as the first one. There is a general theme again, yes. But there are some big differences as well!

The biggest one being that, unlike the Halloween phase, this one will be far more open in terms of what you can use for challenges.

The theme will serve as an inspiration for challenge names and some twists on what we normally have in challenges and some interactive games & other activities will rely on the theme a bit more but your graphics and fic will not need any elements of winter or winter wonderland in them.

I'm not going to say anything else because we're hoping the challenges and twists will be fun little surprises. :)

The mini phase starts on January 31st and ends on February 15th. Yes, it's happening over Valentine's. No, we will not have any typical Valentine's challenges.
You need to sign up by the end of January 29th.

Number of teams and team size will depend on the number of people who sign up but teams will be smaller than usual, no bigger than in the Halloween phase.

However. Teams for the Halloween phases were still heavily based on your regular teams. In order to try to avoid that & to get some mingling, this form is a little different.

If you wish to play, fill this out:

Up to 3 people I want on my team from my current team:
Up to 6 people I want on my team from any of the other teams:
Someone I really don't want to be on a team with:

This does not guarantee you will get the exact team you listed - I am only promising some of the people from the fist 2 - depending on how many of them even play and the size of the teams among other factors - and no one from the 3rd question.

P.S. Don't forget, Phase 3 Feedback & Phase 4 poll is up!

mini phase: winter wonderland, !mod post

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