Jul 07, 2011 19:20
Strong Pokémon. Weak Pokémon. That is only the selfish perception of people. Truly skilled trainers should try to win with their favorites--
i mean on to the rules you need to follow and stuff. um. yeah.
In-Character is not Out of Character. Sometimes, characters are jerks. This doesn't mean the mun is a jerk! And sometimes, characters do things which would get them in trouble! (Like, say they tried to kill a Gym Leader. That's a no-no.) If they did do that, though, there would be in-character consequences! Don't worry, we don't hate you. It's just how it goes! And it doesn't even need to be trying to off somebody. If there's something in-character which pisses off another character, you can't just try and ooc-ly talk them out of it. IC-ly, maybe. But keep OOC and IC seperate, and you'll be fine.
In line with that rule above this one, the whole IC is not OOC one, there's another important rule like that. Don't godmod. What's that? Basically, it's when your character becomes super-awesome and can do everything. Or when you control another character without permission, for any reason you can think of. I'm sure it may be fine in some games. I hope it isn't. But anyhow, none of that here. Also, your character can't know things that they haven't heard. They can't know what TMs/HMs you get from badge wins until somebody tells them, they can't know that it's a long way to swim to get to any other region, they can't even know how much of a weirdo some of the gym leaders are.
Unless they've heard it in-character, of course.
As for character limits... well, there's a limit of three per mun. No more, no less. Well, if you don't want three characters, you don't have to have them or anything. This may go up in the future, but not right now. Hey, we do want your characters to stay active and all.
Activity checks, meanwhile, are just a monthly check in. Just let us know you're all fine and still playing, and we won't make you dig up any threads. Hey, we can trust you. Right? I hope so. This may also change in the future, depending on what happens with this. We've gotta trust you and all.
This game does have a rating of PG-13. So... don't show explicit sex scenes on the comm, don't show the details of you ripping apart a Pokemon to eat with blood going everywhere, and I think you'll be fine. If you do need to write things like this? Well, friend-lock and warn for gods sake. WARN. I don't wanna be casually browsing and then dicks everywhere. Do you? If you do, then... erm... please think of the children? And the me?
You wanna know what's fun? Plots. Plots are always fun. But if you're going to do one which alters the world, or just involves the whole of Unova - please send it by me? I wanna know what you're planning, after all. Smaller plots - like parties or the like - won't need approval. Stuff which needs approval is like... blowing up Castelia, trying to rob somewhere important, and that sort of thing. Another thing which needs approval is getting badges - just so you don't power though the gyms with a level 5 Magikarp or something. A level 100 one, though? If you've been training it that long and not evolving it, the more power to you, and it might work. Maybe.