so my bouncing baby boy is six months old today. i just cant believe it. he is making raspberry noises and drooling all over himself right now. i have him in his bouncy door hanging seat. as i walked past a second ago he grabbed my leg like he was going to hug me, but just bit me instead. i am very happy.
i just read that they are remaking let the right one in. for american audiences of course. changing the name to let me in. directed by the guy that directed cloverfield.
doing this is like someone saying "oh my god, look at the mona lisa!" then some dumb fucking american saying "look! i drawd some boobies!"
tomorrow is fathers day. i can honestly say that i dont have a lot of fathers in my life that deserve much celebration. i hope i am better than my own father is all i hope.
starting on june 2nd I started teaching myself french. speaking french, not reading french. I am reading some and listening to audio pronunciations mostly. I think I will be able to read it when I am done, but not write it out.
we will see. I just wanted to note it here so when i feel like I have learned enough I can see how long it took me.