RECESKY Twin Lens Reflex

Jan 22, 2011 16:13


Recesky Twin Lens Reflex is otherwise known as a GakkenFlex Clone.
This IS a Twin Lens Reflex camera. Whatever you see in the viewfinder is reflected. Right is left, left is right.
This camera is a DIY Kit. They come in parts like this:

and have to be assembled with patience and steady hands.

All you need is a screwdriver and pair of scissors or penknife or good strong fingers to rip the mini plastic bags apart.

This camera uses 35mm Film and is fully manual:
No batteries, no film count, no auto wind.
This is NOT a single use camera.

This camera, unlike the Blackbird,
Can focus Near, far or very far by turning the knobs:

Which means u need to focus before you shoot, or it will turn out blur. Photos above shows example of how your viewfinder looks like. The smiley face is an object i was focusing on.

This camera works best in broad daylight or with lots of light source. suggested film: ISO200.

Upon completion, your camera will look like this:

there will be a few spare screws, so not to worry!
there are no replacement for other parts like the lens, mirror or springs so please do not assemble your camera at places with clutter.

To make it exclusively yours, you can customize your camera:

I used paper stickers

I finished mine with a camera sling and a mini pouch to put spare film:

I think that this camera is great because you get to experiment a lot. double exposure, triple exposure.. expired film, light leak blah blah blah. but most importantly, the way you assemble your camera makes it exclusively yours.

I DO NOT have sample pictures, but u can view some here: / flickr and some photos on assembling at photomalaysia

This camera comes with a ENGLISH instructional manual. There are many diagrams so you can tell exactly what goes where. If making the camera is your main concern, good news is that i'll be collating some videos / clearer english instructions and steps for my friends so I can email them to you as reference too. but only to those who have ordered the camera because it does not make sense to send if you do not have the camera at hand.

The camera comes in a box like this:

but the box might have dented edges due to shipping. DO not order if you are unwilling to accept shipping mishaps.
rest assured the parts inside will be fine because they are packed in the Styrofoam case.
the box is bigger than A4 size.

To prevent unwanted hassle, i'll only take orders from those who at least have an idea of how a film camera works.
Do not ask me questions like: how do i load the film or unload the film, where to buy film or how to develop the photos ok.
You can read more in the instructional Manual with diagrams. >_<

Price is $36 inclusive of international shipping.
This is the 4th time i'll be ordering from the supplier
Comparing price from the camera store Thirtysix, this is approx. $10 cheaper.

Bank acc: DBS Savings Plus 054-4-028171
for uob or ocbc, pls email for details.
Only accepting paid orders, so please transfer before posting orders.
Handling Fee per person - $0.50
for envelope + scotchtape + address label

1 set :: $1.50
2 - 3 sets :: $2.55
Registered mail :: + $2.25 on top of normal postage

Order Format:
LJ nick / name:
Email add: [updates will be done via email]

Price: $36
Qty: 1

Total Qty: 1

Total: [price] + 50c handling + [postage see above] = $
Normal / Registered post: [+$2.25 for reg]

Transaction ref:

For ATM:
ref number:
location of ATM:
Time & Date of transfer
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