Title: Wonderstruck
Rating: K
Summary: She steps out into her anti-prom wearing the perfect dress and with perfect hair, ready to dazzle. What she least expects is to see him staring at her with wide eyes, his jaw hanging open, as if he’s…
Spoilers: 3x19 - Prom-asaurus
Summary 2: Or in which Rachel walks out of the bathroom one minute earlier.
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Comments 4
I really enjoyed this fic, your Rachel is the Rachel I was to see, not the one the writers are currently writing about.
And you didn't completely bag out Finn either - while I don't think he's right for Rachel (of course!) he's not as bad as some writers have made him out to be.
Thanks for writing this up so quickly!
Haha. Yeah, even though I don't like Finchel at all, I still try not to totally destroy his character in my fics. I believe if he was written better in canon, people would like him a lot more, but I guess that can be said about a lot of things concerning Glee. lol.
Thanks for reading! :D
The problem with watching though, I see all these little P/R moments that I wish could have happened. And this was the result. lol
Thanks for reading! I don't think I'm likely to continue this since it was just supposed to be a thing on the side to what's been happening in canon, but we'll see... lol.
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