title: Let Me Down
fandom: Pulp Fiction
words: 159
sasuran's request
You only have a few seconds to reflect on it, and you can sum up the situation quite simply: "Well, fuck." You don't actually say it, but you think it. And, in your mind, you maybe even laugh a little at this turn of events.
The toaster pops.
And perhaps Jules was on to something with that whole "divine intervention" thing he'd been harping on about. While you could never be mistaken for a religious zealot, the sheer coincidence of the situation is a little too much to ignore. There has to be something else going on here.
You stumble to the tiled floor. Or maybe it's the porcelain fixtures that break your fall? It's getting hard to pay attention.
In retrospect, you think you should have had a little faith. Not necessarily in God, because faith in Him had never before factored into your life, but at least in Jules' judgement, because he'd never let you down before.