it's fun how your response implies that in contrast to "tame" clips what we want are "hardcore" ones. This is no pg-13 kitten sleeping video, this is the XXX of cute baby animals, get ready motherfucker!
Cat Delicacies
August 20 2006, 04:53:16 UTC
I think its wonderful that you like cats. So do many asians. You are very lucky to live in Montreal, as you can order up fresh cat meat from a variety of butchers. Unfortunately, in countries like the United States the sale of such meat is illegal. I guess that's just another example of Americans having no respect for other cultures or customs. Again you are very fortunate to live in Montreal, because Quebec is the only jurisdiction where there are no meddlesome laws or agencies that interfere with how we choose our food or manage our cat supplies. If you want a good recipe for cat soup or need some tips on preparing cat meat, have a look at this site
Re: Cat DelicaciesungratefulbipedAugust 20 2006, 16:57:15 UTC
dude you are so fucked up. I am a vegetarian anyway and what would make you think that I want to hear about eating cats just because i linked to a cute video of a cat who is alive.
All meat should be illegal, cats are just an easy place to start.
Re: Cat Delicacies
August 27 2006, 05:40:04 UTC
Jeremy, you are a perfect example of why Concordia graduates are viewed with such enormous contempt. Ya done got punked. The strict observance of the party line without any attempt to dig into a subject is one of the defining traits of most Hamas U. visual/ communication "arts" graduates. My post was a crude experiment to see if you would provide a knee jerk reaction typical of the waste island "liberal" types that love to feel so good about feeling bad about the cause of the day. Had you read the website you would have seen that it was satire with the goal of exposing a vile form of cruelty. Read further and you would have seen that the author was none other than MATT PATTERSON "who has two dogs and a cat. One dog poops in the house, the other is missing most of its teeth. The cat throws up a lot and has partial kidney failure." I too am a vegan and have been alleged to have fallen down drunk 1 too many times @ Foufounes, although I deny that. However, the difference between you and I is that I am(with apologies to the
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Re: Cat DelicaciesungratefulbipedAugust 27 2006, 19:09:36 UTC
First of all learn to make a link when you direct people to other places in posts or comments. We are blessed that in designing the World Wide Web Tim Berners-Lee made it easy to do so. Just type the text of the link and when someone sees it they will be able to click through to the site you indicate. I don't bother to copy and paste sites that seem stupid into the adress bar of my browser for various reasons including but not limited to the likelihood of the referenced site wasting my time and the likelihood of idiots linking me to sites which present serurity hazards
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Please, help me, brothers!!!
May 1 2009, 02:36:27 UTC
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Comments 9
All meat should be illegal, cats are just an easy place to start.
I'm so need this magic program! It's can break captchas automatically! Activate accounts via email automatically too! Absolutely great software! Help me!
And did you hear news - price for XRumer 5.0 Palladium will grow up to $540 after 15 may 2009... And XRumer 2.9 and 3.0 - too old versions, it's cant break modern catpchas and cant break modern anti-bot protections. But XRumer 5.0 Palladium CAN!!!!
So help me for download this great program for free! Thanks!
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