half past caring

Apr 05, 2008 13:41


Firefly/Pirates of the Caribbean

That Wave's Shadow by voleuse
Sharp, insightful look at both Mal and Norrington.


Supernatural/Pirates of the Caribbean

Mariner by iseult_variante
Lovely look at one hunter who frequents the Roadhouse, and the story he has to tell. (written before At World's End)



A bedtime story by Vix
Once upon a time, a boy set out on a quest to save his brother. Fantastic crossover with Sandman - gets the tone of it just right, and Death especially is spot-on. (implied Wincest)


Dark Angel/Supernatural

Today's Tom Sawyer by ladyjanelly
AU post-Devil's Trap; John and Dean are gone, in 2009, Sam finds Ben (who looks just like Dean except for that weird barcode tattoo on his neck), and takes him in. Interesting, sad. The only thing a wolf-cub can grow up to be is a wolf.

and the sequels: Ridin' the Storm Out by ladyjanelly
The pulse hits while Sam and Ben are on a hunt.

The Space He Invades by ladyjanelly
But this-this feels right, to be there for Ben like he was there for Dean. The cost doesn’t matter a bit. Sam, Ben and Bobby, the first post-pulse winter and werewolves. Lovely.


Supernatural/The Sarah Connor Chronicles

Requiem (Casualties of the Human Condition) by freneticfloetry
Two FBI agents meet for a drink in a bar. Henriksen and Ellison and obssession. Really well done.


xovers, supernatural, sandman, dark angel, firefly, potc, terminator/sarah connor chronicles, 03/08

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