there's a lot of people saying we'd be better off dead

Sep 27, 2007 14:28


And the Highway Lines Pass By by philalethia
Long, rambly, post s2 first-time story with a good Dean-voice. Funny and touching.

Blacktop Vagabonds by willa_writes
During a long, exhausting night, Sam ruminates on how life constantly on the road is just different. Heartbreaking and lovely.

bruise you (use you) by regala_electra
Flat-out hot porn with spanking, dirty talk, and Dean going down on a girl. So hot.

Cops and Robbers by ficangel
Henricksen finally learns the truth about what Sam and Dean do. Cool case, good Henricksen voice. Could use a good beta.

Five Things Dean Winchester Taught His Sister by salinasfic
Exactly what it says on the tin. Sweet, sad and lovely girl!Sam fic. (Wincest)

Hic Volvo Non Volvet by kroki_refur
Hee! Dean is cursed and Sam has to figure out how to fix it. Adorable and funny.

A History of Unlikely Heroines by merrycontrary
I keep two journals now. One, I'm hoping will help me keep everyone alive. In the other I keep all of our stories, just in case I can't. Very cool story of some women who were hunters through the years.

I Got Me a Nice Little Place in the Stars by luzdeestrellas
Long, awesome story of Sam realizing how awesome Dean is, and how much he loves him. I love the banter, the brotherliness, the slow unfolding of the relationship as it changes and grows. *hearts* (wincest)

i hope neil young will remember by obsessedmuch
Lyrical and beautifully suffused with Sam's desperation, post-AHBL2. (Wincest)

Inheritance (Descent and Distribution) by apreludetoanend
After AHBL2, Dean is still grieving John's death. I really liked this exploration of how present his grief is, and the different ways he and Sam deal with it. And of course, the legacy John left them. Lovely.

Kerouac & Katrina (Maybe) by ygrawn
Dean talks to a girl in a bar, and comes to some conclusions of his own. (wincest) And the sequel: My Antonia, featuring Sam, Dean, and the emotional mess between them, not-so-neatly dissected by Dean as he watches Sam hit on a girl. I really like how self-aware Dean is-how he knows how fucked up things are, who's going to pay for it, and that in the end, he's always going to give in. (wincest)

The lamps are going out by girlfan1979
Sam convinces Dean to take a trip to Europe. Poignant, hopeful, and a little bit sweet, graced with some lovely details.

Mockingbird by hiyacynth
Long, superb, highly satisfying story of the aftermath of Sam and Dean's battle with the YED (AU before AHBL), featuring an engrossing plot, lovable original characters, and Dean bonding with a three-year-old girl. Highly recommended.

Neither Demons nor Angels by pwcorgigirl
Bobby takes matters into his own hands. Beautifully done meditation on the power of belief.

New Worlds in You by elishavah
John, on waking up with Mary. Gorgeous, soft and suffused with love. *sniffle*

One, Two, Three, Four, Five, Six, Seven and So On by rillaotvalley
Achy, wistful, yet hopeful story in which Dean spends one day with Layla, not talking about the one thing they now have in common. Couple vocabulary bobbles, but nothing that made me want to stop reading.

Out of the Lightning Dream by ink_stain
Hot, sweet, and poignant story about Sam and Jess.

Pretty in Pink by belyste
"Sam, I appreciate your dick, but it doesn't have magical mind-changing powers." The Impala is possessed by the spirit of a 13yo girl. hilarious. (Wincest)

Seldom a Straight Line by black_regalia
Enjoyable and interesting take on Sam's powers. Well characterized, funny, and wistful. (Wincest)

Small Conspiracies by luzdeestrellas
Mmm...tasty warm and achy fic where Sam gives Dean a shave, there is banter and snark and so much brotherly love you'll be all achy in the chestal area. *hearts*

Soup by gwendolyngrace
Sammy's sick and Dean takes care of him. Adorable wee!Winchesters ficlet written for me while I was sick! ♥

Square in a Round by stephanometra
Hot, awesome Sam/Jess pegging porn which deals honestly with some past Sam/Dean without making Sam into a jackass about it.

Threading the Needle by embroiderama
While he's laid up with a broken leg, Sam learns a new skill and puts it to a particularly Winchester-y use. Lovely, and so very *Sam*.


09/07, supernatural

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