time doesn't wait for me

Aug 01, 2007 11:03


All the stars may shine bright by niz4
Jess on the road with her boys. Beautiful, sharp, with a touch of heartbreak lying beneath.

Apt Pupils by dotfic
Six times the Winchesters taught each other something that apparently had nothing to do with hunting, but it turned out it actually did. Lovely.

As the Rush Comes and The Room Between by vinylroad
Jess survives and goes on the road with Sam and Dean. I love these kinds of AUs, and this one delivers nicely. Also the sequel. These are both Sam/Jess, Dean/Jess, but I think the author is heading into threesome territory. I hope. The last line of the second is a kicker.

Blue Moon Rising by harrigan
When Sam is a senior in high school, Dean takes him on a hunt he thinks will make Sam like the hunting life. Things do not go as Dean planned. Engrossing and heartbreaking.

Death Vs Dean Winchester: Grudge Match '07 by eloise_bright
Exactly what the title says. Utterly hilarious. Includes PIE.

fortunate son by topaz119
John finally visits the Vietnam Memorial. Stunning. Watch out for the sudden sharp sting of tears.

In the Line of Duty by dodger_winslow
Sam and Dean visit Ron's parents after his death. Lovely elegy for him here, and nice insight into Dean, as well.

July 17th, 2007 by mcee
A day in the life of Dean Winchester, Bridget Jones style. *dies laughing*

make you smile by ephemerall
She loves when people stare at them, when they watch her and Sam walk hand in hand, with looks that say I wish I had that. Gorgeous, stunning Sam/Jess story.

Mustard Seed by kimonkey7
Sam had always been his purpose, since those first flames. And Dad - fucking Dad - had said Dean had to save Sam? Well, maybe that’s what he’d done. Sharp, suspenseful, achy, and hopeful.

Phoenix by parenthetical and zooey_glass04
Sam and Dean investigate a suspicious nursery fire that seems all too familiar at first, but isn't quite what it seems. Really cool casefile with a lot of resonance for Sam and Dean, especially in the wake of Born Under a Bad Sign.

take that thing you got from praying by tripoli8
Lovely, achy series of snapshots of the Winchesters over the years.

They who knew the storm by isabeau
First person, which I normally don't like, but it works here. Jo's on a job and she runs into Kat (the girl from Asylum). Banter and bonding ensue. I enjoyed this a lot.

Things That Go Boom by krisomniac
Sam and Dean hunt an unknown creature during a fireworks display, and most definitely do not talk about Dean's deal. Sharp and lovely.

This Is Ourselves (Under Pressure) by clex-monkie89
Thoroughly enjoyable story set between Nightshifter and FPB, slice of life on the run with Sam and Dean. The brotherly interaction is sterling, and the interludes with other POVs amusing. Highly recommended. (Wincest)

To Drive So Far At Night by dsudis
*sniffle* Dean hadn't made a sound since Mary died, and some nights John thought that Sammy had taken over crying for both of them.

Toroweap by ignipes
After a particularly rough hunt, Sam takes Dean to the Grand Canyon. This made me all sniffly. Oh, boys.

When It Crackles by lyra_wing
While investigating a cult, Sam and Dean are forced to get married. No, really. Sharp casefile, nice development of the boys' relationship, well-drawn OCs. The thing with the ring at the end was a little much for me, but otherwise highly enjoyable. (wincest)

Who Favor Fire by ggreenapple
Sharp hot AU where Jess survives. Worth reading, even with the irritating no-quotation-marks dialogue.

The Winchester Paper Trail by hiyacinth and cunien
Awesome series of notes and letters and other random paper ephemera left behind by the Winchesters in various places.

The Year of Living Quietly by slob_child
Slow and sharp and vividly detailed. Something's wrong with Sam and Dean does what he can to fix it, and in the process, learns a whole lot himself. Well-observed and achy.


07/07, supernatural

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