you might become something i need

Dec 23, 2010 19:52


Blind Date by shrift
Kon's having a crisis with his heat vision, but Tim makes it all better. Adorable! "Why haven't we been doing this?" Kon says, watching Tim curl his hips into the motion of Kon's hand, sweat making the hair at his temples go damp.

"You talk about girls, Kon. All the time," Tim says, his voice weirdly breathy.

"I like girls," Kon says, ducking down to suck on Tim's neck. Salt tingles on his tongue. "I like boys. I like you."

Containment by solvent90
Tim gets dosed with sex pollen and worries that things with Kon will be awkward afterward, but Kon just wants Tim. Though I still know fuck-all about these guys in canon, I have such a soft spot for them in fic, and this is really lovely.

"I - think you've been avoiding me. Since. Since last week. And. I wanted to apologise. If I made you uncomfortable."

Kon pictured burning a giant hole into the roof above them and taking off through it. Uncomfortable was probably Tim-speak for hard and if Tim tried to give him the Talk -

"I'm fine," he said.

Tim stared up at him, his mouth twisting weirdly.

"You're fine. You just, you haven't looked at me since -" His voice was rising, and he cut himself off sharply and started again. "Kon. We need to talk about this."

"Because we need to work together," Kon said, ready with all his examples of how well they still did, and Tim flinched.

Cover by solvent90
Tim hadn't expected to spot him so soon, but the modelling of his forehead, and his cheekbones, were obviously, unmistakably, Clark's. His mouth was completely different though, and his jaw, and his eyes were a shade or two lighter in their blue. They landed on Tim, briefly, and Tim looked back, held the glance steadily for a beat, two, before looking away. It was a reasonable start to the mission. His heart was pounding a little, irritatingly. He ignored it. AU in which Tim goes undercover in Metropolis to observe Conner and gets more than he bargained for. Adorably sweet and achy Tim/Kon. *happy sigh*

Do What You Like (Just Don't Do It Here) by
Having sex with Jason is such a terrible idea that Bruce can't believe Dick is doing exactly that.

Having sex with Dick is such a terrible idea that Bruce isn't surprised at all Jason is doing exactly that.

Bruce finds out that Dick and Jason are bumping uglies. He doesn't take it well. Starts out hilarious but the ending is nicely heart-clenchy. *happy sigh* Also featuring Alfred pwning all and Selina being awesome. *draws sparkly hearts around them all*

The Electric Pull of Spring by merelymine
Kon gets hit with sex pollen and Tim does what he can to make the situation less awkward. Hot and sweet and a little bit achy.

Friday I'm in Love by impertinence
"Kent residence, Superboy speaking," he says. "Twice as sexy as Superman for half the price."

"Hard to pull off, since Superman does it free," Tim says dryly.

"Whatever, man, you know you want my ass."

For a second there's complete silence on the other end of the phone, and Kon thinks, oh shit. Teasing the super-straight Birdboy might not be the best way to do things. Adorable and hilarious and full of stupidly oblivious boys who are in love with their best friends. ♥

The Long Way Around by
brown_betty and ficbyzee
The first in the Alt Country series, which is full of angsty, schmoopy, hilarious Tim/Kon that hits a ton of my bulletproof kinks. *smishes them* "So, you and Rob are kissing now?" she asks.

"Well, no, not if he thinks I'm evil," says Kon. "He's like-- Batman!" Which was the word he was looking for earlier.

"Obviously," says Cissie. "You can't kiss anyone when they're being like Batman. Oh, Kon, I'm sorry. If he can't... I mean, he--"

Kon dimly suspects that Cissie is getting hung up on her loyalty to Robin, but he doesn't really resent her for it. He'd choose the same.

Management Strategies by Weirdness Magnet
Not wearing the suit makes everything an act of bravery.

It's *just* Tim doing things and people can see his face when he does them. The absence of a mask is supposed to be part of what makes his life simpler, but it so completely doesn't.

Kon looks less exposed in a thin button-down shirt than Tim does in his sweater and jacket. Sharp and hot. Oh, Tim.

Scions by winterlive
"Excuse me, Mister Wayne, but I'm pretty sure that Tim currently relies on nobody's financial aid but his own, which means he can buy his own toys if he wants. That makes him his very own vigilante superhero, and nobody else's. But leaving that aside, let me point out that nobody here has the moral high ground."

All three of them start in at once, and it sounds like it must sound on Olympus when the gods argue.

Conner literally shouts at them. "Excuse me! With all due respect! You're having a hard time not calling me it, you just taunted a father over his dead child, and you're a deadbeat dad in blue tights! Moral high ground: nobody!" Long AU in which Kon is Lex's heir, and he and Tim meet in the boardroom, fall in love, and then have to deal with their fathers' hilariously disgruntled response. The sex is hot, but the Bruce-Lex-Clark confrontation steals the show.

Still Life in Alley by
Lovely, unexpectedly gentle Batman/Clark kiss.

undercover by shrift
There's really no way for this not to be weird. And insane. And probably for the first time ever, Kon's happy that he's stuck with stodgy old Superman as his mentor, because dressing up like a hooker is never gonna be part of his battle plan. Tim goes undercover as a hooker and calls on Kon for help in making things authentic. Hot and funny.


batman, 12/10

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