he said you better earn your pay

Oct 27, 2010 12:58


All Right, Mr. De Mille by britomart_is
Sam, at 15, testing out her sexuality. Really well done. (always-a-girl!Sam) There'll be no new clothes till the crossbow's paid off, Sam's long past the age when she willingly wore Dean's boy-shapeless castoffs, and the shorts are verging on indecently small now. At fifteen she can still get away with it, mostly, but the neighborhood gazes have already begun a silent tug-of-war over Sam's body, her long-and-getting-longer stretch of tanned legs. Sam's thighs are controversial. They're a matter of public debate.

Drowning by whereupon
Brief, lovely, lyrical look at Lisa - how she sees herself, and her relationship with Dean.

Earthquake Weather by paxlux
It's a waiting game, everything with Dean is, sometimes you've got to be dead patient, it’s like living with an earthquake, sometimes clear calm, sometimes all shook up and there’s nothing like barking dogs or abnormal weather to warn you. It’s the little signs only registered by a needle, but Sam's been fine-tuned and honed and he’s watching. Ridiculously gorgeous and languid first time Wincest. *happy sigh*

Redefinition by whereupon
Love is staying up all night and pretending not to look at the clock the whole time, waiting for somebody to get home, like keeping vigil ever made a damn bit of difference; love is pulling the trigger again and again until it feels like your arm is going to break, so that when it isn't practice, when it's real, you won't miss. Love is going hungry so that somebody else can eat, and love is telling lies so that somebody else can sleep, and love is wanting a better life for somebody else. Love is the ashes-and-whiskey, gut-punched feeling when they finally get it, and love is not asking them to turn it down, and love is feeling like a fucking asshole for being even just a little happy when they come back. Sam and Dean bicker their way into having sex. Funny and heartbreaking. (set in season 1)

We Are All Star Stuff by innie_darling
"Dean," he said, exasperated, "being in New York, we could get home-cooked food from literally any country in the world -"

"Great," Dean said, smiling his creepy Magic Fingers smile; "I call America." Sam takes Dean to NYC for his birthday. Adorable.


supernatural, 10/10

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