keep you on ice so I can show all my friends

Aug 26, 2010 11:26

Avatar: The Last Airbender

AKA 'The Chakra of Pleasure' by white_knuckle
"It's not--that's shameful! A man of honor shouldn't do--" Zuko starts, bright red and this close to panic again.

"Yeah, okay, but I'm pretty sure a teenager of honor isn't gonna repress the need for his morning jerk-off so easy," Sokka cuts in dryly, just cocking an eyebrow at him. "I mean, come on, you do it, right?"

"I--I don't have to answer that!"

". . . oh holy shit, you don't." Sokka demonstrates the fine art of the handjob. Hilarious. Sokka FTW! (Note: this does involve Aang egging them on, which is kind of squicky, but I mostly just ignored his presence.)

Disclosure by
In which Zuko continues to be the dorkiest Fire Lord ever, making having sex with Mai way more awkward than it ought to be. Includes hilarious advice from Uncle Iroh.

game on by mekosuchinae
"I'm trying to help you, Zuko."

"I don't need any help," Zuko grumped.

"Really," Mai said. "I hadn't realized losing was part of your strategy."

"I'm not losing!"

"You fooled me," Mai said. Mai takes over when Zuko is getting his ass kicked at pai sho. Adorable.

Guide Me Home by Qwi-Xux
Enjoyable story of Ursa (Zuko and Azula's mom) and Hakoda (Sokka and Katara's dad) that runs parallel to canon. Prose is a little clunky, but I enjoyed their adventures a lot.

Lessons in Thin Air by Lisse
Lovely look at Toph, Katara, Sokka, and Aang from Zuko's POV as he slowly starts to fit in at the Western Air Temple. Zuko listens with half an ear and thinks of the would-have-been invasion.

He wonders if anyone realizes the remarkable thing about it: not that it failed, but just how close it came to succeeding.

Male Bonding by rawles and ali_wildgoose
Sokka and Zuko and boy talk. Hee! Adorkable!

A Matter of Secrets by
Zuko has a secret - his vision is compromised way more than he lets on - and he doesn't know how to tell his new friends. Lovely.

New Directions by
Toph, Suki and Katara. They could do anything, after the war. Lovely post-finale look at all three girls. <3


atla, 08/10

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