Apocalypse Maybe by
aggybirdSam and Dean stopped the apocalypse. OR DID THEY? Sam can't tell because Dean's being all NICE to him, and it's freaking him out even more than the fact that he's in love with his brother. Plus, there is a trip to Disney and a hilarious interlude with a magic 8-ball. Awesome! (wincest)
A Girl Who Sang The Blues by
erushiThis is how it happens: / There is a crossroads conveniently located a little more than a mile from the house, and its surface is conveniently of packed earth and scattered gravel and not of asphalt. / When she slips out of her window it's a quarter to midnight, and she discovers that oak trees are harder to climb when you're fourteen and six years out of practice than when you're eight. / She has a spoon in her pocket, stolen from the school cafeteria during lunch, and she uses it now to help her dig. It's not terribly effective: four nails are split to the quick by the time she deems the small hole deep enough, and she's vaguely aware that the latticework of cuts her hands have acquired will sting in the shower. Brilliantly realized, beautifully written backstory for Bela.
Bender by
debbiel66Dean does know it-the world is coming to an end, most of the people Dean loves are dead, and Sam is sorry. Good to know some things never change. Post-Abandon All Hope, Sam goes on a bender. Dean takes care of him. *sniffle*
brother, how we must atone (before we turn to stone) by
mimblexwimbleStars entrance Dean when's he's halfway to passed out or further. Sam has no idea why, hasn't bothered asking in case it stops Dean looking for them. It probably would. / It's quiet, feels like someone's stuffed cotton into his ears. Everything's warm and muffled. It doesn't feel like anything could touch them at the moment. Like Sam could keep driving like this and that would be enough to keep them safe, forever. To maybe heal this thing between them that feels like it'll never get better. Heartbreaking yet hopeful. Dean gets drunk and says some things he needs to say to Sam, some things Sam probably needs to hear, even if he can't believe them himself. Oh, boys. The show really needs to do something like this, and soon.
How Many Floors to Realize by
lazy_dazeDean doesn't get his memories back quite so quickly at the end of IaTL, and he and Sam go out on the road together. Adorable and hilarious. (Wincest)
I'm Telling You Why by
teand"Don't let the shit hide the shine, Sam." / "There's a lot of shit…" When Nick's hand closed around his wrist, the palm and callused fingers warm against his skin, Sam looked up. / "Then the shine's all the more important," Nick said softly. "The bad's so in your face that people don't see the good when it's right in front of them." Aw, Sammy. Lovely bit of Christmas fic.
Kung Fu and the Zombie Apocalypse by
harriganWonderful and achy story set during Sam's time at Stanford, in which a banged up Dean ends up in Palo Alto on a case, and gets an inkling that maybe Sam misses him a little too.
Otis Spunkmeyer My Ass by
nwhepcatSam and Dean and homemade cookies on Christmas. *heart* Boys! And cookies!
Practical Application by
ratherastorySam gets drunk and reveals that he's tested out whether Lucifer can really bring him back or not. Dean's freaked, to say the least. Nicely done. (Ignore the author's notes at the top.)
seems our whole life is about revelation by
aggybirdAnd Dean has to admit, some of it sounds cool the way Sam explains it. Dean likes the idea of two different bodies of water meeting and mixing: freshwater and saltwater, governed by immutable tidal forces, swirling together and creating something unique. Sam tells him that some of the animals and fish and shit down here wouldn't survive anywhere else. This is a place outside other places, where two things that shouldn't fit together… do. / He doesn't really need to analyze why that one strikes a chord. Wonderfully done first time Sam/Dean wrapped up in an exceptionally creepy apocalyptic casefile.
Staying up by
roque_clasiqueJohn and his wee boys celebrate New Year's Eve. *sniffle*