too low to find my way

Dec 21, 2009 11:33


And we are here as on a darkling plain by lunabee34
Lovely bittersweet triptych of vignettes focusing on Gabriel, Dean, and Ellen. The Ellen section is especially heartbreaking.

Camouflage by whereupon
He thinks about a world in which he would have belonged, in which he wouldn't have been transparent, in which the things he said to her might have been true. He touches his hand to his mouth for a moment and thinks that maybe it was never a choice at all. He would never have been able to escape this, not really; it might as well be in his blood, in his bones, in a very literal sense. Oh, Sam. Wonderful look at Sam figuring himself out through his rare one-night stands.

Fathers & Other Creatures of Legend by coffee_in_bed
"Dean?" Sam is twelve years old, still babyfat in the face but wiry everywhere else. They're out behind the trailer, sparring while Dad's inside sleeping off a hunt, or a hangover; probably both. They seem to go hand in hand these days. It's summer in Alabama and the air is thickly humid, buzzing with mosquitoes. The old air-conditioner drones from the window. "Do you remember much about Mom?" *sniffle* Dean shares his memories with Sam, both of Mary, and of John. *heart*

Hey, Little Sister, Keep on Dreamin' by little_murmurs
Jo looks back and numbers her regrets. Heartbreaking.

I Can't Remember (the sound that you found for me) by bellatemple
*sniffle* wonderful, achy story of how Dean and Bobby first met.

Sine Qua Non by dreamlittleyo
Sam cockblocks Dean. hijinx ensue. Hot hot hot first time Wincest.

Smart People Who Do Dumb Things by candle_beck
The thing was, Sam hadn't been a dumb kid. Fucked up and bitter and possessed of no filter between brain and mouth, but that didn't make the unthinkable things he'd said to Dean any less sincere. Dean had had four years on his own to think about the mark Sam had left on his throat, the starry look in his brother's eyes that night at the drive-in, Sam telling him, I know it's not just me. Dean had had to bury it all away because it was true, every goddamn word of it. There was nothing Sam wanted that Dean didn't want too. But Sam had been gone, so Dean couldn't let it matter. Fantastic look at Sam over the years, wanting what he can't have - what Dean can't (won't) give him - until he can (does). (Wincest)

Trading Up by derryderrydown
Kat wasn't dumb. When Dean had told her stay out of haunted houses, she'd known he was talking sense and decided she was going to live her life by that tenet. Kat's not looking for ghosts, but they do seem to find her.


12/09, supernatural

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