Big Bang Theory
Yours (The Earth And All That's In It) by
montycrowleyShe leans forward. / His breath stops. His heart stops. / She kisses him on the forehead. / Time stops. / Penny's hair brushes his face. Her palms are on his cheeks, thumbs firmly hooked on his jawline. Her lips are soft and strong. She smells half like soap and half like skin and she kisses him right on the forehead. / "There!" Penny jumps back cheerfully. "Did it work?" / "Oh," Sheldon says softly. Sheldon realizes he's in love with Penny, but Penny is with Leonard. And there's an apocalypse. Lovely.
Dark Angel
Never Be a Saint by
voleuse"Can't keep up?" she remarked, facing his scowl without expression. Alec rolled his eyes. "We're on safe ground," he replied. "We don't need to sprint." "Doesn't mean we can't," Max said, and she crouched, sprang, and cleared the top of the barbwire fence. She didn't check to see if Alec would follow, because she knew he always would. Lovely look at Max and Alec, keeping on.
Sorting Is Serious Business by
kattahjFive things Gus keeps alphabetized. Gus! Adorable! *heart*