tell me where your strength lies, if you please

Aug 31, 2009 11:55

Iron Man

Cheeseburger First by amonitrate
Heartbreakingly poignant story of Tony's first day back from Afghanistan, from Happy's POV.



Did you write the book of love? by ignipes
"Nate told me to talk to you," she says. / Eliot perks up immediately. "We got a job?" / "No," says Parker. "He told me to ask you about the birds and the bees." Adorkable, hilarious Parker/Hardison.


The Middleman

but the rest of us do what we must in constant compromise by corellianjedi
In the aftermath of "The Doomsday Armageddon Apocalypse," Wendy helps the Middleman deal. *sniffle* Achy and lovely and full of their awesome friendship. (spoilery for the unfilmed 13th episode/graphic novel/table read at SDCC)


08/09, iron man, middleman, leverage

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