the grabbing hands grab all they can

Jul 30, 2009 13:54


As I Descend the Stair by busaikko
"I don't know how to be what anybody expects -- " and Sam's hand draws a sharp head-to-toe line -- "but I was halfway to figuring out how to be me." *sniffle* Lovely story of Sam trying to be who she is, and Dean trying to deal with it. (Sam is MtF)

The Baffled King Composing Hallelujah by kadiel_krieger
Poignant look at Sam and his faith (and doubts) over the years.

Blood Ties by tahirire
Sam finds a hunt that looks like vampires and turns into something more complicated. Fantastic, engrossing casefile set just before Criss Angel Is a Douchebag, full of heartbreak and wry brotherliness.

The Burning of Paper Instead of Children by coyotesuspect
Really sharp, melancholy look at Mary in the ten years after her parents died. (Some formatting issues and some punctuation issues, but not enough to make me stop reading.)

Five Times Sammy Lost His Shoe by kellifer_fic
Aw, Sammy. Exactly what it says on the tin. Adorkable and achy.

Grace (Let Down Your Hair Mix) by extraonions
Anna has never been afraid to make her own choices, not even as an angel. Lovely look at Anna. I especially like the resonances the fairy tales bring to her story.

Head On by whereupon
Achingly gorgeous first time Wincest.

I'll never forget the way you look tonight by cjmarlowe
"Sorry I was wrong about the aliens," said Bobby, cracking open another beer. "Never saw that one coming. Guess that's what I get for thinking I had this world figured out." / "Can't be right about everything," said Dean, putting his feet up on the porch railing and contemplating the half empty bottle in his hand. Hee! The end of the world comes, but it's not exactly what the Winchesters expected it to be, and there's not much they can do about it. I enjoyed this a lot, especially Dean and Bobby's banter.

In Restless Dreams I Walked Alone by roque_clasique
"Seems pretty shy," he hears Bobby say, and Dean frowns. He's not shy. "He's not shy," John says, and Dean grins, bounces on the balls of his feet. Loves his father. "He's just a little quiet around people he doesn't know," John continues. "But lemme tell you, that kid's got a mouth on him a mile wide." Dean, going silent after Mary dies, after Sam leaves. Sharp and heartbreaking

Little, Brothers by paxlux
A few cut-up pairs of old slacks, pieces of rope cinched around their waists, shirts cropped to a better length, barefoot and they're in Bobby's back seat, Sam saying, "Tom Sawyer," and Dean replying, "Dude, I am Huck Finn." Sam and Dean get regressed back to boyhood (ages 5 and 9, respectively) and Bobby takes care of them until the curse wears off. Hilarious and sweet and poignant.

narandam by
"Here," she said, holding out a section of the orange, its juice running down her hand. "I bet it'll be the best you've ever had." Lovely look at Sam growing up and with Jess.

And the remix: Narandam (The Silver Street Remix) by sullensiren
Dean bought orange juice at every rest stop, every McDonalds, every convenience store. He tried every brand and handed it wordlessly to Sam. Sam never drank more than half, and threw the rest away, if that. Even though Sam was gone now, Dean couldn't stop buying the damn stuff. The remix gives us more of Sam's relationship with Huang (the lady next door), and Dean's POV on the whole thing. Lovely.

New York Will Thaw by wanttobeatree
You can exorcise demons with your mind. You spend an hour in a diner, nudging the pepper pot inch by inch across the tabletop with nothing but a frown. But not the salt. Gorgeous and heartachy look at Sam and Dean during the middle of season 4.

Off the Map by debbiel66
"And that's another thing. About Chuck…your prophet. He's a nice enough guy, but he's an ordinary guy. Do you get it? He's normal, like you and me." / "Exactly." Pastor Steve nods cryptically. "Now you're beginning to understand." post-4.22, Sam and Dean are taken in by a town full of people who want to feed them cookies and thank them for fighting evil. *sniffle* Oh, boys....

Salvaged (The Back in Black Remix) by embroiderama
The Impala still wasn't running, but the front seat wasn't in half bad shape, and it felt more like home than anything else. His own space. He would have rather played his music through the car's stereo, but the electric system was dead so he had to make due with the old walkman, relatively new earbuds shoved up inside his ears. Back when he spent so many hours, days, inside the car with Dad and Sammy, the music was the only way Dean had to make his own space. He'd close his eyes and let the driving bass and the drums work their way into his blood, his heartbeat, his dreams. Wonderfully evocative look at Dean's relationship with music, and with Sam. *sniffle*

Sell Your Baseball Cards to Pay the Rent by whereupon
There's a bar brawl and a hold up and a gorgeous, awkward perfect first time. Because Dean knows he's thinking about how fucked up this is and maybe Dean should apologize, should apologize for dragging him away from California, for starting the fight and stealing a car and holding up a pawn shop and getting him off in the front seat of Dean's car. For corrupting Sam his whole goddamn life, this perfect thing that Sam was going to be before Dean molded him into the wrong shape, got in him and fucked up all the nice things, corroded all the clean edges. (wincest)

Shelter from the Storm by soundingsea
Achingly lovely story of Jo hooking up with Sam and Dean during the end of the world, just post-4.22. (Wincest)

Three Jobs by kellifer_fic
Dean might like to project the whole lone wolf thing but he's actually more of a people person than Sam. Three jobs Dean has had. Oh, Dean. Oh, Sam...

Threnody [A Descant on a Requiem] by sidhe_woman
Lovely remix of "Requiem" from the Pythia's POV. Oh, boys.

Warm Strangers by extraonions
*sniffle* After the news of the explosion in "Jus in Bello," many of the people Sam and Dean helped come out to mourn. I love stories where the people they save show their appreciation, especially in the face of official disapproval. Lovely, gentle, heartbreaking.

And the remix: Warm Strangers (The Next of Kin Remix) by dsudis
From Bobby's POV. Lovely. Have tissues handy.

winter birds by vinylroad
Her first memory, the first thing she can remember with certainty beyond the hazy memories of childhood that might have just been dreams, is a long beach, light colored sand and frothy waves that crash with a dull roar. She's not sure where - Dean says he can't remember and she's never bothered to ask her father - but she can feel the ghost of dry heat on her skin, so she thinks Texas, maybe. She knows her father hunted through the panhandle for the first time the summer after she turned six, and in her memory, Dean has a still-red jagged cut through his eyebrow that went silver and turned into the sweet, almost invisible scar he has now. Gorgeous, lyrical and languorous girl!Sam/Dean.

The World as We Know It by debbiel66
Heartbreaking yet hopeful coda to 4.22. I love Dean's determination here, even in the face of Sam's despair. Oh, boys...


07/09, supernatural

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