i was in another lifetime, one of toil and blood

May 30, 2009 16:52

So I apparently have a weakness for gen team humor fic in this fandom. And McCoy, but I knew about that part.

Star Trek XI (Reboot)

and you take me the way i am by londondrowning
It's kind of strange, being friends with a woman, with no sexual charge underneath it. Jim doesn't have that much experience in making friends. Especially not with a woman. But Bones is cranky and sarcastic, and she can trash talk him all day long, but underneath the gruffness, he knows that she likes him. Knows she respects him, and it's more than mutual. Excellent girl!Bones/Kirk story - they're BFF and something more. ♥

A Brief History of Lt (j.g.) Gaila Aboard the USS Enterprise (NCC 1701) by taraljc
Exactly what it says on the tin. Lovely. For a character who was barely in the movie, I love all the fic about Gaila.

cut and fucking paste by crimsonclad
"Why did you never inform me of-- of what you know about me?" Spock doesn't get flustered too often, or vague, so Jim reluctantly guesses that he's talking about the potentially creepy erotic dreams he's been having for, oh, six months. / "Hey, not about you! Exactly! Most of that is about...you know, the other you. Grandpa you. And it isn't me, anyway, it's the dead long lost me who was exactly like me in every way." Hee! The mindmeld is fucking with Kirk's head. I enjoyed this a lot. And its sequel, edit: "Mr. Scott. What is the one thing I hate more than anything else in the entire universe?" / Cringing, Scotty's eyes turn even more apologetic than before. "Having your pain and personal life being made into fodder for the shipwide gossip mill, sir?" / Jim feels his expression turn baffled. "Dude, have we met? No, fuck, I hate being left out of the loop, you know that! Look, I get that the crew wants to gossip about their senior officers. That's cool-- fun tradition. But Scotty! I thought we were Delta Vega bros forever! We almost got tattoos together! Forward me all the good stuff, okay? No one's going to get in trouble, jeez. Unless they say racist shit about Vulcans, because, you know, fuck that noise." / Scotty frowns. "You-- want to be in the loop. Of gossip. About you." Hilarious.

the doctor is out by malleablyfic
Some people, when they study medicine, develop a mild form of hypochondria. It's understandable. Suddenly being informed of all the myriad ways you could die - of all the ways the human body can break down - well, it can be a little disconcerting. McCoy never considered himself particularly soft, though there are certain things - flying objects (particularly being in them), snakes, constricted spaces and clowns - that rattle him and do fit the symptomatic bill for being dubbed "phobias". Which is of course ironic given his current situation - working in a small, constrictive flying thing with a bunch of clowns. Damn space. Damn Starfleet. Damn it all to hell. I enjoyed this look at McCoy a lot (could use a good beta).

First Time by moryssa
Lovely look at Uhura and Gaila's friendship.

the fistbump is non-optional by mekosuchinae
"In brief, Mr Spock," Kirk said. "Can you bust us out?" / Spock sighed. "Correct," he said. "I am capable of 'busting us out.'" / "Dude," Kirk said, hefting his fist. "Fistbump." / "I apologize, Captain, but I must refrain," said Spock. "I have seen where your hands have been and until you have sterilized the effected areas, preferably on a subdermal level, I do not wish to be in contact with any portion of your anatomy." Ahahahahaha! *dies* Kirk, Bones and Spock in rare form.

A Formal Dance in the Bowling Alley by loneraven
Wonderful look at the crew of the Enterprise, through the eyes of their new captain. Great Kirk voice, too.

Four Times Jim Kirk and Lenore McCoy Didn't Fuck by telesilla
girl!Bones pegs Kirk. *glee*

his keeper by mekosuchinae
Bones has to rescue Kirk after a drunken night out. Hilarity ensues. Really gets McCoy's voice right.

How to Avoid Kicking Puppies and Other Valuable Lessons in Leadership by sparky77
Kirk slouches in his chair and sighs. McCoy will give him this; the man is a champion at slouching. There's something about the way he slouches that seems to be saying, 'I could be sitting straight, but the universe just couldn't handle the awesomeness of me being fully upright in this chair.' It's a lot to say in just the way he sits. It's impressive. Ahahahahahaha! Kirk tries to be an authority figure, with hilarious results.

It Takes A Village by chaletian
"Live with it, Captain. You got any idea of the paperwork Starfleet'll make me fill out if you die on this godforsaken tin can? I'm keeping you alive till you're eighty." / "Fine, mom," says Jim, and McCoy scowls. / "No more swords." / There's always more swords. Adorable look at life on the Enterprise from McCoy's POV. And its various sequels: Birds Do It, Bees Do It, Even Post-Pubescent Russians Do It, in which Kirk attempts to give Chekov The Talk and hilarity ensues. There's more hilarity in Faites Vos Jeux // Rien Ne Va Plus: It's not like anyone on Enterprise has a gambling problem - except maybe Scotty and his incomprehensible belief in his own talents at poker - but there's always someone willing to take a bet Hee! And This Story Is Not Humorous, which is about Spock, learning to fit in (not that he'd admit he was doing any such thing). Spock reflects, as he mounts the transporter pad, that he is aware of many of the 'in-jokes' on Enterprise. It is a novel experience. He is not sure how he feels about it.

Me And Crazy Janey by cidercupcakes
Hot, cute girl!Kirk/Bones story.

Murphy's Law of Jim Kirk Diplomacy by _seven_crows
"Gonna stitch me up?" asks Kirk. / "That's the plan," says McCoy. / "Without anesthetic?" / "You see any anesthetic?" asks McCoy. "If it makes you feel any better, it won't hurt worse than anything that's already happened to you." / "Somehow that's not very comforting," says Kirk, wincing as McCoy begins to stitch. After a diplomatic mission goes wrong, Kirk, Spock and McCoy wait in a damaged shuttle for the Enterprise to pick them up. Lovely, funny look at the growing friendship between them.

notes on captaining a starship by calapine
"I want to know every detail about my ship, Lieutenant, every nuance, every quirk. I want to be able to find my way round blindfolded and know what speed she's going by the vibrations in the deck-plating. And that includes knowing how the communications console works." Adorable look at Kirk learning to be a captain.

Paradise Found
There were a dizzying number of Federation ships and stations she was passed through, one human hand guiding her shoulder to her next caretaker. They were all women, though, that she remembers - that and at the time she thought they must all be different species to be so many colors. She doesn't even remember their names because it was back when English still sounded like gibberish and they hadn't found a portable translator unit that knew Orion. Lovely, achy backstory for Gaila.

Parts of a Whole by schweinsty
His friends have got his back. He doesn't need more of a guarantee than that. Lovely look at the crew of the Enterprise.

Taking the slower path (we'll get there in the end) by black_eyedgirl
He is somewhat reluctant to admit it, but he and Spock still aren't actually friends. Jim doesn't fight with him any more - they work together well enough on the bridge, and there have been no punches thrown since that first time. When he turns to Spock after Scotty (or, God help him, Chekov) has explained something that would be incomprehensible even without the accent, Spock translates. He's even lost about fifty-percent of the mild condescension. Jim can deal with the other fifty-percent; he's had enough women berate him for his arrogance to understand a healthy pride in your own abilities. Wonderful look at Kirk's first year as captain of the Enterprise, and his growing friendship with Spock. I especially like the crew interaction.

Things Unsaid by idea_of_sarcasm
Four times Spock Couldn't Say 'I love you'; One time he tried (and one time he did). Utterly gorgeous look at Spock and his relationships through the years.

A Thousand Words for Snow by taraljc
Vulcans have no word for "lover". Gorgeous meditation on language and love from Uhura's POV.

The Word for World Is-- by
Humans would've named the planet New Earth and the places things like New Africa or New Russia. Vulcans did no such thing; they named the planet Vik: the well in the desert. They named the continents Ashv'cezh, Laktra, and Vrekasht: Revenge, Grief, and Outcast. Lovely meditation on how the Vulcans might rebuild.


st:reboot, 05/09

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