i was the one who came running when you were lonely

May 30, 2009 16:44


Supernatural/Criminal Minds

Defect by kikkimax
Late season 3 AU. To keep himself out of trouble, Dean lets himself get caught by the FBI. So much awesome in this story. Dean bonding with Reid and Gideon and flirting with Garcia. *hearts* And its awesome sequel, Hell, and Back, in which Dean's not doing so well upon his return from hell, and Sam thinks talking to Jason Gideon will help. I enjoyed both of these stories a lot.


Supernatural/Harry Potter

January Girl by parenthetical
Highly enjoyable SPN/HP crossover, where the war against Voldemort isn't over and while Dean's on a hunt (while Sam's at Stanford), he runs into Luna and ends up teaming up with her on the search for a horcrux. Really wonderful characterization and interaction between them (a little British for Dean in places, but not too jarring).


05/09, criminal minds, supernatural, hp

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