Sarah Connor Chronicles
Eschatology by
charlie_d_blueJohn still see echoes of Cameron everywhere. Not just in the face of Allison, which he can barely stand to look at; a face so full of emotion and movement that it grates on his nerves, sends shudders of wrongness down his spine. The girl from Palmdale is a constant reminder that Cameron stole Allison's skin, that she is (was) a changeling, a kind of advanced Frankenstein that was only ever crafted after living flesh. It troubles him that even after everything, he still considers that body Cameron's, that somewhere deep and visceral, he feels that Cameron's right to that shape and form supersedes Allison's own. Chilling, perfect look at John in the world after the s2 finale.
Every Time Is the First Time by
vehementlyTHERE ARE AS MANY DEREKS AS THERE ARE POSSIBLE FUTURES. John knuckles sleep out of his eyes. "That's a lot," he says out loud. INFINITY IS A LOT, says the intelligence. John, on the run with Cameron (and John Henry), and he keeps sending Derek back. Fascinating and fantastic. And not a little chilling.