with a pint of beer and a new tattoo

Jan 30, 2009 17:26


Cold as Ice by extraonions
Dean and Ellen get snowed in at the Roadhouse and find a way to pass the time. Lovely.

I Like the Girls with the Boom by innie_darling
Adorable teen!Dean/OFC story.

Pretzels by dotfic
Hot and tasty Dean/Ellen porn.

Three Times Sam and Dean Went to Church by concernedlily
"Think of all the stuff we can do when you can walk like a big boy." Sammy looks like he might be thinking about it, so Dean adds, "No more stroller." Sammy doesn't like the stroller, he hates being strapped in, and Dad doesn't like pushing the stroller either so usually he just carries Sammy, then puts him down and stretches his back out and says getting heavy, kiddo, gonna have to stop feeding you. Lovely look at Sam over the years, as a toddler, as a young boy, and as a teenager.

unclothed you are true by smilla02
Lovely, hot, bittersweet Dean/Ellen.

When the Hour Turns Over by dotfic
Dean turns thirty in a bus station somewhere in middle America. Lovely. Oh, boys...


01/09, supernatural

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