Title: Strip Down
missalicebluePairing: Peter/Claire
Rating: NC-17 (canon incest)
Status: 1/2
Summary: Peter, Claire, champagne, tickle fights, and stripping. Need I say more?
Written for the wonderful
eowyn_girl, as thanks for the smutty fic she wrote for my birthday. Love and kisses to my fabulous beta
He should have pushed her away quickly, sat up, done something. He did let her go, eventually...but not fast enough. She hadn’t felt like a niece at that moment. )
Comments 63
You already know how much I love the fic, must comment anyway! Love it, love it, love it. I'm a fan of slow burn, angsty 'we so cannot do this OMG you're my niece' Peter, only to have him give in to ultimate temptation later. Also there's that delicious irony of choir boy, new age sensitive man Peter being all wanton withe lustful thoughts of his niece, so very, very naughty.
And love that Claire isn't overly forward, she's just the right amount of desperately wanting him and shy and coltish. She is very young still and sleeping with your uncle isn't really a light decision to make.
I'm going to read it again tonight (god I hope no one reads my computer screen right now! Hee)
Great work! And thank you!! ;-)
its not exactly completely realistic (i see peter struggling way more with the decision to bone his niece, LOL), but sometimes smut for the sake of smut is fun.
in either case, this is the first time i wrote smut, and it scared me terribly to do it, but i feel like i've stretched my wings as a fanfic writer, so yay!
"Seriously, finally."
I loved that, totally awesome. I'm meming this!
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