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Comments 2

4/14 iattractmushi April 15 2011, 20:03:49 UTC
[Cloud started awake again at the gunshot that 'killed' him. Not wanting to move at first, he grumbled something incoherent into his pillow (he was lying on his stomach now; these dreams were destroying his sleep habits).

Slowly rolling over onto his back, he sighed into the darkness. So that's what Castor dreamed about, huh... tea with Inara, fighting weird creatures with his dog (what was it with talking animals, anyway), Pollux, and an axe. Or a gun, the weapon hadn't seemed to want to remain stable.

Paladin too, something Cloud found semi-interesting, who had turned into the 'Castor' creature that lived in Castor's head.

...and that was a really unpleasant way to wake up. He was too tired to be very annoyed at the Tree, but he was sure he would be in the morning.

After he got a few more hours of hopefully dreamless sleep.]


notpissedoff April 16 2011, 05:34:55 UTC
[The creature's killing strike had Rain bolting upright in bed with a gasp, wide-eyed. It only took a moment for him to realize, though, that he was still very much alive and that it had been a dream. Another one; it felt like he'd only just fallen asleep again after the last one. He rested his elbows on his knees and his head in his hands.

This one was Castor's, certainly. Rain couldn't make much sense of it, but with Pollux and Boy and Inara in it he could be pretty sure of that conclusion. Inara... it was nice to see and hear her again, in a bittersweet sort of way. Even if only briefly in a dream.

As for the rest of what he'd seen and heard - blob creatures and disembodied voices and a skeletal horse-like thing - he wasn't even going to try to figure any of it out, especially not at this hour. He lay back down. He was going to do his best to just forget about it all and, with any luck, go back to sleep.]


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