
Jan 19, 2012 19:39

seeing as i'm always up for writing and addicted to these five boys, i thought, why not?

leave me a pairing, prompt, and i'll write you a little ficlet/drabble!

ps i just want to really say a massive thank you for all of you commenting on my things, posted to the public or just here for fun. also, i want to say thank you for watching/joining ( Read more... )

prompts, fic, one direction.

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Comments 9

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unevenfootsteps January 20 2012, 03:35:36 UTC
i know you know.Niall is rigid muscle, lean arms, toned muscles. He's tempting to Zayn, and Zayn knows when to take a step back. Zayn has never been good at saying no, but he’s been good at keeping his body away for as long as he can ( ... )


joinmymisery January 20 2012, 04:04:41 UTC
Oh this seems like fun! I'd love some Zayn/Harry too much public affection to be a bromance.


unevenfootsteps January 21 2012, 00:25:35 UTC
next thing, we're touching. Harry firsts notices it, the abundance of touching, when Zayn’s hand curls around his bicep and squeezes. Most people don’t mind it, brush it off as just a simple need to touch something, but Harry knows. Harry knows the meaning behind each squeeze, each time that Zayn pulls, because Zayn never pulls. Harry is always the one who pulls and pulls until Zayn breaks and comes tumbling towards him ( ... )


joinmymisery January 21 2012, 02:45:58 UTC
ugh this is perfect


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unevenfootsteps January 21 2012, 00:43:36 UTC
dance me to the end of love.Liam likes Louis in a lot of ways ( ... )


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unevenfootsteps January 22 2012, 21:21:37 UTC
when you understood.Louis doesn't know why he picked Harry Styles out of every student he has to do this with, but. He really isn't complaining, if he were honest with him. Harry always comes into class smelling like the crisp air outside, with his eyes opening and closing. Usually, Harry falls asleep twenty minutes into class, head on his arms, cushioned and sleepy eyes ( ... )


pictureof January 28 2012, 05:33:48 UTC
i would love a Harry/Niall one, something sweet... it doesn't even have to a a romance, it could be a moment in their friendship or something or anything!

and if you have time, a top!Niall and bot!Liam would be awesome! (cause i have weird tastes ) :D

thanks a bunch for even considering my prompts!


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