For Maximum Crazy

Dec 26, 2009 17:27

une_fille and I have started a community!

twin_rambling is your place for all Shannon/Teri related ramblings, fics, and musings.

You're still welcome to friend and follow this LJ if you so please, because I do adore having friends. So, yay.

brain twins, please tell us how awesome we are, crack!fic, teri and shannon's views on life, don't you have anything better to do, hang onto your hats folks, hey guys look over here!, ohgod we have to write that, msn leads to fucking weird shit, pimping, spamming my flist is fun, crack!ideas

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Comments 5

hezmanagirl December 26 2009, 22:31:48 UTC
One stop shopping for all my crack needs! Awesomesauce.


adinfinitum December 26 2009, 22:34:21 UTC
Might have to add that comm, although I' m not sure I can actually handle the crazy. Guess I won't know til I try!

In other news: Just posted the five times fic that was supposed to be 1k words but ended up being almost 6k? It wasn't beta'd so if anything needs tweaking, tell me!


unequivocally December 27 2009, 00:01:32 UTC
I saw it up! It is on my To-Read list, which I am making my way down now! Squeee!


wildly_wrathful December 28 2009, 07:36:58 UTC
I read some of your fic and absolutely loved it, and I need more Puck/Rachel shippers on my flist, so I hope you don't mind me friending you! :D


unequivocally December 28 2009, 07:38:30 UTC
Yay! More friends! I love having more friends, and of course I dont mind at all!


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