Age: 60+, looks about 10-12.
Height: 4'4"
Weight: 70 lbs
Medical Info: Pretty healthy!
Eyes: Red
Hair: Reddish
Physical traits: Tiny girl who wears a lot of red. Formerly had fairy wings, and flowers that were literally a part of her hair.
What's Okay To Mention Around Him/Her: Pretty much everything! Talking about death and such will lead to her trying to change the topic or just flatout leaving, though.
Abilities: As part of the Baldr house, has the power of regeneration
Level One: small injuries will heal almost instantly; healing speed of large wounds is somewhat accelerated
Notes for the Psychics/Magically or Spiritually sensitive: Formerly a mass of life energy that just happened to be solid. This doesn't apply within Asgard though, since she's now a normal fleshy being.
Lycoris' thoughts are typically very simple and focused on what's happening right now! Standard dumb fairy child fare. If she's saying it, she's thinking it, pretty much. Has surprisingly deep thoughts from time to time, but's mostly buried under the sea of...simple-mindedness that is her mind.
That said, she's also pretty reckless, and sometimes thinks of absolutely dumbass things that no sane and/or smart person would actually consider doing (see: LET'S ROB A STORE oh there's no stone heavy enough to break the window WELP I'LL JUST JUMP THROUGH IT).
Can people threadhop with you/in your posts?: Sure, as long it's not marked as private.
Hugging/kissing/other non-violent physical contact: YYY.
Can I fight your character?: Y! Thought why would you fight a dumb fairy.
Can I punch/cause your character non-serious injuries?: Sure :|b
Maim/Murder/Death: Talk to me :|a
Cooking: Surprisingly, yes! Sorta. She can make soup, but most of what she can really make is really simple things.
Other: I like doing horrible things to my characters, so don't be shy to plot with me.