What is particularly fascinating is that there must have been an industrial and technical infrastructure to support the design and manufacture of these kinds of devices - we do have mentions in the literature of other, similar devices - but there seems to be no obvious trace of that infrastructure - or the objects that it produced. What kinds of things did they make? And why did they not have a greater impact on history? Of course, this is a variation on the Needham Question (http://www.bbc.co.uk/radio4/history/inourtime/inourtime_20061019.shtml).
My guess is that it is similar in complexity to watchmaking. In medieval times this could be handled in a workshop with a master, a few journeymen and a handful of aprentices. Only hand tools and measuring equipment are necessary. They clearly used journal bearings but my key question would be were lathes used?
It's a pity that we don't have more examples of ancient devices of these kinds - just one. No-one was, it seems, burying them in hordes in the way they do with coins. I suppose they were easily transportable and might not have seemed valuable to your average Saxon raider, but, of course, these are specialised pieces of kit and there presumably weren't that many astrologer-astronomers were needed them - or could afford them.
He has had to use a certain amount of educated guesswork, but a lot more is known about the mechanism since Derek J. Solla Price made his model in the 1970s. Price was the first person to do any real research on the device, using X-rays to distinguish the gears. Recently, more sophisticated imaging techniques have been used.
And you say "we pretty much know what is was for" - but if we do, it's only in the last couple of years that it's been figured out (and therefore there hasn't been time for anyone to seriously disagree!)
Comments 15
That'd be those time travellers / aliens again.
I do think there is a novel in all this.
And you say "we pretty much know what is was for" - but if we do, it's only in the last couple of years that it's been figured out (and therefore there hasn't been time for anyone to seriously disagree!)
For further reading, I can recommend The Antikythera Mechanism Research Project and Jo Marchant's new book, "Decoding the Heavens".
(Strange bit of recursion there: doing work whilst skiving at work...)
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