009 愛 Audio

Feb 28, 2012 17:05

[The audio starts and the sound of the market can be heard in the background. Then there's a rustle and then a soft sigh.]

I just wanted to let you all know that I'm back. I've actually been back for a couple of hours, but I wanted to get resettled. [And get as use to the fact that she was back in the Underworld as she could. There's a pause ( Read more... )

uncharted: elena fisher, firefly: mal reynolds, uncharted: nathan drake, wildcats: charis [nemesis], !firefly: inara serra

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Comments 83

[action] assworthsaving February 28 2012, 18:05:34 UTC
[Drake hadn't heard from Inara for a while and he hadn't bothered to seek her out figuring she needed space since she seemed upset with him. There was also the fact that he felt guilty about a few things concerning Inara and Elena... Not to mention the other problems he had been dealing with since he got here. He was having a rough time and all he could think about were ways he could avoid dealing with any more of it. Or the rest of it, in some cases.

He only tried to reach Inara earlier just to make sure she was doing okay. Not to talk about anything serious. However he had been unable to get a hold of her, hadn't seen her on the contact list, and suddenly felt his heart sink just a little. If she was gone then, well, that was good for her. Good for them both, really. He wouldn't need to have an awkward conversation and she would be better off. Hopefully ( ... )


[action] notquitegeisha February 28 2012, 18:35:29 UTC
[Back in the Underworld. Inara could hardly believe it when she'd awoken and found herself on the boat again. She'd been confused at first, and then all the memories of her first stay flooded in. It was strange having them, disconcerting to know that she'd been sent back and then brought back.

She'd even been mad. She'd been so much when she'd been gone and when things were just beginning to settle and the grieving process beginning - here she was again. It didn't seem like she'd been gone very long - if her half packed apartment was any indication. But Mei-Lein was still a kitten, looked no different from the last time she'd seen her, and seemed to be relatively happy.

Breathing out, she shifted the things she'd bought in the market in her arms, her forehead furrowing a bit as she slowly made her way back to the apartment. Things had changed, she felt she had even changed, for better or worse, she wasn't sure. But there it was. She was tired, so tired of bad things constantly happening. She didn't think it was much to ask for a ( ... )


[action] assworthsaving February 28 2012, 18:54:47 UTC
[That familiar voice startled him and he was turning to confirm who it sounded like--]


[Yes, this place did have a sick sense of humour. And before any other thought came to him he noticed her bruised cheek. It didn't look too fresh, but it was pretty goddamn noticeable. He approached her, getting a better look at it the closer he got.]

My God, what happened to you?

[He reaches out to touch her cheek. But it wasn't just her cheek- something else didn't seem right at all.]


[action] notquitegeisha February 28 2012, 19:22:09 UTC
[Almost out of instict, she turned her face away. Not because it was Nate, but because of the questions. That question right there had been the very reason she'd announced she was back over audio. She really didn't want to talk about why her cheek was bruised or anything.]

A fight, but it's really nothing.

[Her lips pressed together for a moment and then she finally looked at him.]

What are you doing here?


[audio] aint_comin_back February 28 2012, 19:58:12 UTC
[There you are. He'd been alone in the Underworld again. You know what that does to a man?]

Didn't even know you had a kitten. [aka, yeah, he'd stopped by to check on her, couldn't find her, saw her name on the damn board, and started feeding a gorram kitten.]


[audio] notquitegeisha February 28 2012, 20:08:12 UTC
[She can't help the smile that tugs on her lips.]

It's not really surprising, is it? I wasn't even sure you knew where I lived. But, thank you for feeding her.


[audio] aint_comin_back February 28 2012, 20:28:13 UTC
[Of course he knows where she lives. He's the captain -- and head of the guard. He knows things. He also may just stalk everyone in the Underworld.]

I didn't say it was surprising.


[audio] notquitegeisha February 28 2012, 20:39:42 UTC
[She just sighs.]

Of course you didn't, I apologize for assuming. But yes, Ezio gave her to me shortly before he was sent back to his home.


audio; wasinnocent February 29 2012, 05:26:24 UTC
How was the trip home?


audio; notquitegeisha February 29 2012, 06:28:25 UTC
Oh... Uneventful for the most part, but at the end... Just a bit too eventful. Did I miss much here?


audio; wasinnocent February 29 2012, 08:33:27 UTC
That depends on how long you were gone, but more than likely not. Things have been pretty quiet.


audio; notquitegeisha February 29 2012, 09:03:57 UTC
At least there's that. I hope things continue that way... Though I suppose that's asking a lot.


[video] morethanafour February 29 2012, 15:37:09 UTC
[Relief wars with sympathy.]

This sounds eerily familiar.

You, went home for a couple days? Do you need any help getting your feet again?


[audio] notquitegeisha February 29 2012, 19:13:04 UTC
It seems so, but it was more than a couple of days for me.

Oh, no. I'm fine. I just need to settle back in, rest. I find that being here is exhausting.


[video] morethanafour March 4 2012, 19:49:21 UTC
Oh... [Elena's brow furrows.] So what happened to Nate and I?

[The journalist nods with obvious concern. She'd ask questions about the time away, but she's too empathetic to barrage her friend with questions just after she's gotten back to this literal hell hole.]

Well...let me know if you need anything, okay? I can bring over some wine or some Chinese food...or both.

[Comforting smile.]


Audio notquitegeisha March 4 2012, 21:02:45 UTC
[Inara smiles, appreciating Elena's concern more than she could say.]

Thank you, Elena. Truly. Perhaps I'll take you up on that in a couple of days once I've got a bit more into the swing of things. But it does sound lovely.


[Video] nurse1701 February 29 2012, 15:53:25 UTC
I'm sorry you had to come back.


[audio] notquitegeisha February 29 2012, 19:14:50 UTC
Thank you, Christine. That's kind of you to say. Though I'm resigned to the fact that this place is where I'm meant to be at the moment.


[audio] nurse1701 March 1 2012, 02:22:29 UTC
Well, you just let me know if you need anything.


[audio] notquitegeisha March 1 2012, 10:36:28 UTC
Of course I will. You've been well?


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