First Ginger Cookie {accidental video}

Jun 05, 2011 23:48

{The video shows what looks like a small girl, standing not far from the device in a black cloak with a staff longer than she is tall in her hands. She's looking around, long pointed ears twitching as they pick up the tiniest of sounds. And then suddenly, she's panicking, and doing a little dance as she does so.}Th-this isn't the past! Ahhh!! Did I ( Read more... )

persona 3: junpei iori

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[Video] tereteindahouse June 6 2011, 18:32:43 UTC
[Junpei has no idea what he is staring at so his eyes are wide and he definitely looks impressed.]

That was awesome! Dude, what are you?


[Video] cookiesordeath June 6 2011, 20:51:54 UTC
{Finally! A hume that recognises her skills!! Thought, he was dressed kind of funny.}

Hehehe, I know, I am pretty awesome! I'm Feorlin, Tarutaru Black Mage Extraordinaire!


[Video] tereteindahouse June 6 2011, 20:54:26 UTC
Heh. I have no idea what a tarutaru is but nice meetin' ya, Feorlin! I'm Junpei.


[Video] cookiesordeath June 6 2011, 21:07:34 UTC
{She bounces up and down a little, waving to the man on the other side, smiling real wide.}

A Tarutaru is me! Nice to meet you, Junpei!


[Video] tereteindahouse June 6 2011, 21:09:07 UTC
Man, you're adorable. [He's grinning and adjusts his cap.] So did anybody tell you what the deal is down here yet?


[Video] cookiesordeath June 6 2011, 21:16:20 UTC
{She matches that grin, blushing juuuust a little bit.}

Hehe! Oh... not really. I guess this is some weird Hume tribe where you guys don't know about Elvaan and Galka and Tarutaru though~ And you dress funny!


[Video] tereteindahouse June 6 2011, 21:18:22 UTC
If by 'hume' you mean 'human' then yeah. Sort of. I mean, this is actually the underworld. Like hell. Buuuut we're alive so maybe not? Sorry, I'm still pretty new myself but people keep telling me something about us being pulled here by some gods or something. I haven't seen any gods but I have seen a lot of angry animals.


[Video] cookiesordeath June 6 2011, 21:28:28 UTC
Underworld? Hell? Never heard of those places before. Oh well! So long as I have warp spells, which I do, it won't be too hard to get out.

G-gods?! {More panic dancing, then she stops and sighs.} Oh boy, I always get caught up in this crazy stuff!


[Video] tereteindahouse June 6 2011, 21:30:07 UTC
[He just keeps grinning because this thing is just too adorable.]

Man, you must have a bad track record if you're not bothered by this that much. What kind of crazy world are you from?


[Video] cookiesordeath June 6 2011, 21:44:49 UTC
{And because he's grinning, she's grinning - it's infectious!}

Haha! I've seen all sorts of crazy things! If you'd been to Promyvion and the past, seen Avatars and the Shadow Lord... well, boy you'd be used to all this crazy stuff!


[Video] tereteindahouse June 6 2011, 22:27:16 UTC
I have absolutely no idea what you're talking about but I'll take your word for it.


[Video] cookiesordeath June 6 2011, 22:36:02 UTC
{She's quiet for a long moment, staring at him. Then another great big grin.}

I like you!


[Video] tereteindahouse June 6 2011, 22:39:40 UTC
Awww, thanks. I like you too!

[So they are both grinning idiots because it is infectious.]


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