Jun 07, 2011 17:18

Did Anyone Bring Some String?
June 10th-12th

People will find themselves being randomly transported into the Labyrinth and placed into groups. Once in the Labyrinth characters will find that they are incapable of saying anything but the complete truth, they will also find that they aren't able to force themselves to say nothing, they are compelled to speak no matter what. Will tempers flare and prevent people from finding their way out of the Labyrinth? Will strangers be able to work together to save themselves?

Notes: This event will have a plotting post, people will volunteer, and then be separated into groups at random based on dice rolls.

Teams were generated with this thing it's fun.

  • Shinjiro
  • Bethany
  • Elena
  • Myrnin

  • Percy Jackson
  • Utena
  • Alison
  • Aveline
  • Alistair

  • Annabeth
  • Kate
  • Marian
  • Inara
  • Etienne

  • Edge
  • Garrett
  • Jayne
  • Morrigan
  • Kaine

  • Balthazar
  • Feorlin
  • Anders
  • Minato
  • Caroline

  • Mitsuru
  • Sebastian
  • Carver
  • Thomas


Things to keep in mind:

♦ Characters will be compelled to tell the truth, they won't be able to lie, and they won't be able to just not talk.

♦ At the start of the event everyone will be transported in their groups and plopped down together.

♦ Your free to act this out however you want to, some suggestions would be: logs, action posts for the groups, group posts, or whatever.

♦ You're also free to have characters make posts from inside the labyrinth complaining about it or trying to contact their friends in other groups.

♦ This post is your plotting post, use it to plan things with each other. The post is broken down with a comment for each team, use the comment thread to plot amongst yourselves. Figure out if you want to do logs, posts, or whatever.

♦ We will post a log in the main logs community for those teams that want to do logs!

♦ Feel free to ask any questions or leave any comments here as well!

mini event

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