Pleasant Dreams

Oct 11, 2011 23:54

Who; Vlad Dracula and Elena Fisher.
What; Vampire-y times.
Where; Elena's Apartment
When; Tuesday Night
Rating; R for Vampiric Drinking and Adult Themes - nothing explicit however.

Sleep tight, don't let the bed bugs bite - or any of the nighttime wanderers with sharp thirsty fangs... )

uncharted: elena fisher

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Comments 13

burnforalltosee October 12 2011, 05:03:50 UTC
The dog had heard her call and moved through the darkness of the night, golden eyes like small, glowing lights within it. The night was the time of his beloved wolves, and the time when Vlad himself moved as he pleased, without any limitations or repressions. Here, still, however, the days and nights were of no concern.

It was still odd, living without the consequences of sunrise, of mid-day, and of sunset.

The wolfhound leaped quietly onto the bed, taking in his spot at her side. Though this night would be different, decidedly so, for the pleasure of them both. Tonight, she would dream, and she would dream of what he wished her to. A beautiful trance would take over her, and delights the kind no man could ever provide in any form, be it by teeth or tongue, by breath or whisper, and certainly not by the gift afforded each male of the species.

He waited, his breathing inaudible, for her to drift off. Furry eyebrows moved back and forth as he waited, as he willed her to fall asleep, out of the land of the awake and underneath his ( ... )


morethanafour October 12 2011, 05:13:00 UTC
Already half-asleep, Elena's hand lifted to pet at the shape at her side, to tease the furry head with fingers that were lax with relaxation and growing unconsciousness. "Good boy..." The journalist mumbled, lips fumbling over the simple words as Vlad's irresistible will stole over her. Her hand went suddenly limp on the ruff of his neck where she had been tracing a gentle scratch.

Her lips parted, breath slipping into the slow rhythm of peaceful slumber. There was one she would willingly dream of without much encouragement, one to tangle her mind and confuse reality with dreams, one she would never suspect to be more than just a wishful fancy of nightly wanderings. But it was Vlad's talent that would lead her dreams, not any unknown wishes of her own...and so she was completely within his power at last.


burnforalltosee October 12 2011, 05:22:58 UTC
The moment her hand stopped and her body went limp was the moment the large dog shifted at her side.

A moment later, and there was no dog left on her bed, but a monster of man and dog, Vlad changing forms as his body allowed. A true humanoid beast, almost as though the missing link had been found. He would be a man soon enough, but for the moment, there was something frightening and ungodly next to her, something worth screams and nightmares for years, perhaps for all years before death. And upon that death, even in the light and goodness of the life that was leaving its body, it would remain.

He stood, moving to find a three candles. Oh yes, it had to be three for such a time as this, for a time where God did not exist and man had nothing like a deity to cry out to. As he moved throughout his abode, he gave her sweet, saccharine fantasies. Fantasies of beauty beyond imagination-and darker she fell into fits of pleasure. A sunset, a sunrise over snow-capped mountains. A hiking trip with a man most handsome and stunning, she covered ( ... )


morethanafour October 12 2011, 05:38:45 UTC
Elena shifted in her sleep, arm lifting then dropping to stomach as her fingers grasped at figments, twisted their hold on a person who was not there. Her brow furrowed, then smoothed as she mouthed a name, the utterance of it lost in the press of her lips together against sudden ecstasy. Her mouth opened after the pleasure of a warm fire and tender hands stroked her mental flesh. The gasp that followed was soft, plaintive, and needful.

Too easily was she caught up in the fantasy - being a romantic without a romance to call her own, being a loving heart with no one to offer her tenderness too. She accepted Vlad's illusion without question or hesitation, clinging to the hazy vision until it was clear and for all purposes real, touching her mind and offering it all the affection and satisfaction she had once known and now missed - though she would never admit it aloud.

Pride and a streak of stubbornness would always seek to prevent her waking self from pursuing the sort of lurid scene the beast sum man sum monster provided. But ( ... )


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