Knowledge is good, okay?

Aug 21, 2011 13:50

Who; will_end_you & clairedanvers
What; Dean's gonna teach Claire all about monsters and ways she can protect herself.
Where; The library.
When; Now
Rating; PG for language cause it's Dean?
Status; Ongoing

Lessons a la supernatural style )

supernatural: dean winchester

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will_end_you August 21 2011, 20:50:09 UTC
Following a trip to the marketplace, Dean had settled himself in a quiet corner of the library to wait for Claire. There were a few books and a duffle bag on the table next to him. He'd browsed the shelves, looking for books that might detail certain things and had been lucky enough to find some. The duffle bag, he'd brought with him after packing a few things that he thought might be useful. His visit to the marketplace had added a few more things to the bag. It was a bit strange, the kinds of things that were available here.

As people came and went, Dean had been glancing up to see if any of them resembled the girl that he was supposed to be meeting. He'd picked a spot that was easily visible from the doorway, yet out of the way enough that nobody else should bother them. And when Claire entered the library, he glanced up from the archived footage he'd been going over and waved at her from his table, turning the tablet off and setting it aside.


1/2 will_end_you September 10 2011, 15:53:09 UTC
As someone who had learned to handle a gun at a young age, Dean certainly wasn't going to pull any punches with Claire. She was already letting a vampire snack on her. It wasn't like she needed to endanger herself in other ways too. He blinked at the amount of questions she asked before grinning. At least he could answer them ( ... )


2/2 will_end_you September 10 2011, 15:53:36 UTC
"Of course, there are also things that you can do to protect yourself from demon possession." He pulls down the collar of his shirt to reveal a tattoo just below his collar bone. "Like this. There are also protective charms that you can wear around your neck."

Dean stops talking for a few minutes, rifling through his duffle bag and giving her sometime to catch up with her note taking. When he looks back up, he slides a small, sheathed knife across the table at her. "With shapeshifters, yeah. They can look like anybody too. They can also access the memories of the person that they look like. So you can't really ask them any tricky questions that only that person would know. If you're lucky enough to catch a glimpse of one on film, their eyes will glow. It'll look like some kind of lens flare. If you're not that lucky or you want to make sure, silver burns them. If you nick their arm or something with a silver blade, you'll know that they're a shifter. The wound will steam and all sorts of fun stuff. A silver bullet or ( ... )


clairedanvers September 11 2011, 15:51:23 UTC
It's seriously like being in school all over again for her. Claire missed school. Yes, she knew that that was one of the many things that made her fodder for bullies and jokes but she loved school. She liked to learn. And Dean was kind of feeding that part of her for now. It was nice. Also, this was a much more interesting subject than some of the required courses in school ( ... )


will_end_you September 17 2011, 23:22:13 UTC
Dean was slightly amused by Claire's note taking, but he had to admit that it was a good idea. She wouldn't forget anything like that, and was it really so different from the notebook that his father had kept. It was nice to have something to reference whenever anything Supernatural cropped up ( ... )


clairedanvers September 18 2011, 15:55:36 UTC
"I wonder where you would get a rosary here..." The question was more for herself, an audible musing. And she's already thinking about how to make her own. Maybe carving one out of wood or melting metal down. Once she finishes copying down the other incantation she pulls the other book closer and begins on the next ( ... )


will_end_you September 18 2011, 18:02:00 UTC
"I dunno. But I'm pretty sure it has to be blessed by a priest or something. You could try Crowley's pawn shop in the marketplace. Just be careful with him. Crowley's a demon. Don't think he's looking to strike any deals down here, but it can't hurt to be careful." In fact, Crowley had been nothing but helpful, but Dean felt like he should warn Claire that the demon wasn't exactly what he appeared to be ( ... )


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