The House of Dracula has a New Tenant?

Feb 02, 2012 13:59

Who; zmeyjr (Rose Hathaway), Open
What; Fumigating Dracula's Old place
Where; Dracula's Old Place...
When; February 2nd
Rating; R; for the crap Dracula left impaled around the place
Status; Ongoing; Open

Rose stared at the dilapidated wooden house, hoodie masking the look of disgust on her face as she used it to block out the stench of rotting corpses. She'd had some moronic ideas in her life but now that she was staring at the mess before her and really considering what had to be done, this one had to take the cake. There were bodies scattered across the front yard, morbid decorations that were in stark contrast to the bright pink flamingos that skewered the lawn. She'd thought the history buff with an attitude had been kidding about those, but apparently not.

She cast a look towards the direction of the Markets, considering the alternative and her shoulders slumped. Of course she had to be dragged to a place that was run by the living dead. As happy as she was to be alive, this being shadow-kissed was becoming more of a bitch every day. The only thing that made it acceptable was knowing that she would be able to sense when Lissa was in danger, but since she'd arrived here, the bond appeared to be broken. So now she got all the negative side-effects without any of the good. At least when she was rotting in a prison cell she could be somewhat useful in protecting Liss.

Rose approached the shrivelled body that had been impaled on a pike, black spindly sticks with fur protruding from the decaying... thing, and like all good people in a state of severely grossed out, she poked it with a stick. She gagged as a yellowish goo oozed from what she thought might have been the mouth and turned away, stalking over to the tablet that lay on the ground. She'd learned enough in her first couple of days in The Underworld that there were 'people' here like herself. Living, breathing types that didn't make Rose feel like she had an axe being slammed repeatedly into her skull. As it was, the population here left her with the constant buzz of nausea but much to her dismay, the two story shack from Psycho was the first place she could be where she didn't feel like she was going to pass out.

"Yeah... figures." She groaned, and resorted to the one thing she was never particularly good out. Rose Hathway asked for help.

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vampire academy: rose hathaway, uncharted: victor "sully" sullivan

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