- This is a celebrity role playing community. All are welcome, dead or alive, musicians, actors, writers, whatever. You may think it’s weird if people are playing dead celebrities, but quite frankly I don’t care as long as people are having fun. This is mainly a bandom game but please don't think that's all we want. If you have someone who isn't related to music in mind, go ahead and apply. You never know, you might start a craze. If you want to create an original character, by all means please feel free to. We won't discriminate if you want to do that. All characters from films, books and comic books need to be approved by a mod.
- Please have some command of the English language. There’s nothing worse than reading a blog post and not being able to make sense of what is being said. If you’re spelling (like mine) is appalling, write it in Word beforehand. Or download a spell check add on for your browser. You RP partners will thank you for it. (
For Firefox.
For IE. Or the free, online spell checker )
- Updating. Please update at least every 3 - 4 weeks. We have lives and yes, sometimes shit does happen. Please post of you’re going on hiatus. I do work a full time job (as do several of my mods) but someone at some point will do a random check to see who’s still active and who’s not. We’re not going to chase you up about it but we would appreciate a post or message if you’re dropping your character. If we do find you’ve not updated since the dawn of time, we will give you sufficient warning before we boot you.
- Blog. Please have a blog that is dedicated to your character/s here. All posts should be friends locked and a disclaimer added to the profile. Also add character details to the profile. The following should be in there:
Original Location:
How they came to be Below Ground:
Sexual orientation:
Creature Type: (Or just leave as human)
Background Story
Writing example:
- This is an AIM based RP using third person or storybook style so you will need an AIM username.
- Dark storylines and gay sex will happen here. If you have a problem with it, please don’t complain, just don’t join. In fact, we positively encourage the dark storylines. It’s the end of the world as these people have known it. They’ve lost family and friends, they’ve changed; they are going to be fucked in the head.
- Age Limit. Because I’m a grown up, sensible adult (mostly) I’m going to impose an age limit of 16. If you’re going to act like a child, you will get treated like one. If you’re going to act like an adult then you’re more than welcome here.
- The set up has a chapel as marriage will no doubt happen within people’s storylines. However, keep it realistic. No getting married within 24 hours of meeting. I know that celebrities have a tendency to do it in real life but here they won’t. It’s survival of the fittest so please give it a couple of weeks before the “OMGZ!! We’re getting’ HITCHED!” posts start, okay?
- Mpreg. While most communities don't allow it, we do. However, you will need to submit an application to a mod. You will need to include a back story as to why the pregnancy has occurred (bar the obvious "Duh!" That'll be an instant rejection right there) plus how it works anatomically (if it's within a guy). There's several medical websites out there as well the usual Wikipedia.
- Characters that are allowed. Okay, so the basic story is that a virus has wiped out pretty much the whole population of the planet. Those that have survived have had their DNA irreversibly changed. Yes, it’s not that plausible but neither are 99% of Hollywood films. Your character can remain human but now with an immunity to the virus. However, they may have changed into something else. The list is pretty much inexhaustible but includes:
Vampires (although not the immortal kind. Just the kind that needs blood to survive).
Part human/part animal.
Mermaids (Yes there are parts of the Underground that will be flooded. But use your imagination for how they get around the non-flooded parts).
Winged creatures.
Feel free to use your imgaination. For inspiration, you can find a list of mythical creatures here:
Wikipedia List of Mythical Creatures If you don't want to go along the mutation route, please feel free to apply as military personnel, scientists etc. They don't have to be the bad guys but if you want to play the other side, that's completely okay.
- Holds last for 4 weeks.
The Suggestions List (Not rules but what should be helpful little tips from the mods)
If you're planning on travelling away from the Underground, bare in mind that travel by conventional means is very limited. There are no scheduled flights nor are there scheduled ships. You get what you're given and will probably wind up doing a lot of it on foot. Therefore, you will not be able to several thousand miles in under 24 hours. Make it realistic.
If you're creating an original character or taking a character from a book, please add realism to them. I'm sick of 2-dimensional characters who have no faults and only have one line of conversation (normally relating to sex). Give them faults, give them a background you've created yourself. I won't be chasing up on it because I actually have a life but if I'm finding myself reading the same kind of blog post over and over, it will eventually grate my nerves and there will be “words”.
Weapons, ammunition etc. Of course, your character is going to find these either dotted around above surface or below ground. Feel free to arm yourselves but remember that ammunition may well be in short supply. Take up fencing and try that. No need for bullets. However, there won't be random nuclear warheads lying around so please, keep it real ok?
Finally, to make sure you've read all of the rules, when you comment with your application, add in your favourite lyrics along with the song title and artist.