Yo~ This is the first prompt post of the Underrated Book Kink Meme.
- This Kink Meme is for books. Crossovers are alright, but books are the #1 focus here. Any series goes, though if it's a more popular series (Harry Potter), I may ask you to go to somewhere else, it really depends on the req. ^_~
- You don't have to stay anon if you don't want to stay anon, but if you do, we will respect your privacy. ^_~
- When you make your request, there has to be three things: A fandom, a pairing and a "kink".
- Addendum to #3- A kink does not have to mean kinky. Gen is a kink too, but the point is gen what?
- Only one request per individual comment, but you definitely can post more than one comment.
- You can requesting anything as long as you're polite. You can prompt anything from non-con to non-shippy fluff. Gen, het, slash, femslash, threesome, etc. Everything is welcome.
- No ship/kink bashing. Be respectful.
- If you req something, try to fill something. Even if it's just a quick mini-fill until you can write a full one, or a series (at least 10) of haiku, or poetry, there must be some sort of fill.
- Multiple fills and fills in forms other than fic (art, fanvids, etc) are encouraged.
- You MUST include the name of your fandom in the subject bar.
- Spoilers are generally going to be assumed for this, but at the same time, please be polite and don't spoiler more than you have to for your prompt.