Don't Think Twice (1)

Aug 13, 2011 10:53

Title: Don't Think Twice (1)
Author: Taylor, underapaperm00n
Pairing: Jalex (Jack Barakat/Alex Gaskarth)
Rating: overall R
Warnings: Rape
Summary: Everything is going wrong for Alex. Then he meets Jack.
Disclaimer: The only thing I own is the plot line. Title/Cut cred. go to their respective owners.
Author’s Notes: uh hi so this is kind of just a base like i promise it gets better and things actually happen and you may be able to talk me into posting another part later with Jalex Cuddles :3
Tumblr is here.

When they finally arrive at Jack’s apartment building, Alex has finally seemed to calm down. He’s really glad the taller man hasn’t realised he’s walking funny. He’s talking quietly with Jack as they cross the threshold of the giant apartment. Alex’s jaw drops, “You live here?” Jack smiles and nods, amusement clear on his face. “Here, I’ll give you a little tour,” Jack says, starting off for the right. He shows Alex a giant kitchen, with every ingredient you can think of, a spare bedroom complete with it’s own bathroom, the laundry room, the living room with a huge flat screen tv and comfy looking chairs, and finally the master bed room and bathroom. Alex can’t say anything because the place is seriously huge. “So, yeah. Anything you want or need you can have,” Jack says, settling into one of the chairs in the living room. “Um, I want a shower but I don’t have any clothes,” Alex says, biting his lip. Jack just looks at Alex for a minute and says, “You should fit in mine. Here I’ll get you some.” He disappears down the hallway and comes back with sweatpants, a t-shirt, and boxers. Alex smiles, says thanks, and goes into the bathroom. He opens the cabinet and finds what he’s looking for, takes two Ibuprofen, and gets in the shower.

When he gets out, Alex isn’t sure if he should stay or go back to Matt’s. He really wants to stay with Jack because he feels safe here. And to be honest, he’s a little scared to back out on the streets. On the other hand, he doesn’t know Jack at all. Even though he promised, he could be some weird serial killer and god knows he doesn’t need to be in the hands of a rapist for the second time in one night. He thinks about it for a minute it or two and decides he’ll stay with Jack. If he was going to do anything to him, he would’ve already done it, right?

Alex walks back into the living room and stands by the chair Jack is stretched out in. “So, I was right. We are the same size,” He says looking Alex up and down. Alex nods with a smile and says quietly, “Thanks so much.” Jack shrugs with a smile. “Are you hungry?” Jack asks and Alex’s stomach grumbles, as if on cue. Jack peels himself from the chair and walks into the kitchen, trailed closely by Alex.

Jack makes them both burgers and Alex shifts around in his chair until it’s not so painful. “Are you okay?” Jack asks for a second time that night. Alex nods and looks down at the tile of the floor. “Don’t lie to me.” Alex closes his eyes, willing the tears not to come, “I wasn’t just jumped,” It’s barely above a whisper, and he’s actually surprised Jack heard him, but he did. Jack turns the George Foreman grill and walks over to where Alex is sitting. He kneels down in front of him and puts two fingers under his chin and forces Alex to look at him. “What happened?” He asks quietly. When Alex doesn’t answer, Jack makes an assumption of what happened, stands up, pulls Alex off of the chair and wraps his arms around the boys waist. Alex hugs him back and tucks his face into the crook of the other mans neck.

They stand there for a while, the only sounds are their breathing. Alex’s stomach grumbles again, telling them to hurry the fuck up. Jack pulls away and says, “Let’s eat.” They fix their burgers with condiments and go back to the table. Alex bites into it and it may be the best thing he’s ever tasted. He moans his approval and Jack laughs at his reaction, “You’d think you’d never had a burger before.” Alex eats fast; he hasn’t eaten in almost six hours, and all he had then was a bag of chips. “That was really good,” He tells Jack when he’s finished.

Jack throws the dishes in the dishwasher and they go back to the living room. Jack grabs Alex’s wrist and pulls him down onto the couch with him. “Don’t you want to call the police or something?” He asks quietly. Alex shakes his head vigorously, eyes going wide. Jack sighs, not wanting to upset Alex again, and lays back on the couch. He uses two fingers to motion for Alex to come closer. Alex crawls up and lays his head on Jacks chest. He listens to the steady thumpthump thumpthump thumpthump and focuses his eyes on the TV. He recognizes Home Alone and looks up at Jack, “Why are we watching this?” He says with a small laugh. Jack frowns, “It’s only the greatest movie ever to exist,” He says. Alex snorts, “Okay, whatever,” He says and situates himself back into a comfortable position on his side. Alex doesn’t know when Jacks hand got to his hair, twirling and looping the strands, but it’s comforting and he doesn’t want it to stop.

chaptered: don't think twice, author: underapaperm00n, rating: r, pairing: alex gaskarth/jack barakat

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