Don't Think Twice (5)

Aug 24, 2011 11:08

Title: Don’t Think Twice (5)
Author: Taylor, underapaperm00n
Pairing: Jalex (Jack Barakat/Alex Gaskarth)
Rating: overall R
Warnings: Rape, Death of a Family Member, Funeral
Summary: Everything is going wrong for Alex. Then he meets Jack.
Disclaimer: The only thing I own is the plot line. Title/Cut cred. go to their respective owners.
Author’s Notes: uh yeah sorry i haven't updated in a while school starts tomorrow and i've been running around getting stuff together so sorry guys D: it's longer than usual though:3

Tumblr is here.


Alex looks around and all he can see is black. Black suits, black dresses, black hats, black jewelry, black chairs, even the clouds were black. The only color Alex can see is the flower wreath and picture of his brother near the black coffin. Oh, and of course the redness of every one’s eyes.

He takes a deep breath as he stands from his seat and makes his way to the front of the church to make his speech. The entire time, he’s taking deep breaths and willing the tears to evaporate. He reaches the podium and nods to everyone, “Hi,” He says quietly. There’s a mumbled response. “Uh, I don’t really know how to do this, um. I’m just going to go for it,” He says. He clears his throat and begins, “Where to start? My brother was one of the greatest people I’ve ever known. He didn’t take shit from any one, he was so nice, he gave just about every dime he had to charities. And he was so funny, he could walk into a room and make every one laugh. If he walked through those doors right now,” Alex gestures to the giant wooden doors, “I bet he could make every single person smile. It’s terrifying to think I’m never going to see him again, hear his voice, or feel one of his famous comforting hugs.”

Alex pauses to take another deep breath he wipes a tear from his eye. I still remember the last thing he said to me. It was three weeks ago, we were skyping. I wish i would’ve paid more attention, he looked so sad but I dismissed it as tired. Don’t let yourself get in over your head, he said. He told me how he was juggling three jobs, just to put dinner on the table. His last words to me were, ‘Don’t forget what I said, little man. Don’t let yourself get in over your head. I love you, and I’ll kill you if you ever let yourself get as busy as me.’ I wish I would’ve known he would do something, he didn’t seem sad when I talked to him,” Alex said, his voice progressively getting smaller and smaller as the tears create a lump in  his throat.

“One of my favorite memories of him is when we went to the park. I was about eight or nine, he came and took me to the giant park down the street. We played on the playground and walked around to pick four leaf clovers and we laid on our backs to find shapes in the clouds. We just talked. About everything and anything and, it was just such a nice day. We went home and spent the night in our tree house and stayed up much later than we should have. It was one of the best days of my life, and probably one of the last times he was actually happy.” Alex pauses to wipe his eyes and take deep breaths. It’s getting increasingly difficult to talk.

“I just wish I could see him one more time to tell him goodbye and that I love him. He was the best big brother I could ask for.” And with that, Alex nods and walks out of the church, onto the side walk, where he falls on to his knees shaking with sobs. He feels hands on his back and looks up to see Jack smiling sadly at him. Alex throws his arms around Jack and clings to him for dear life. Alex feels another pair of hands rubbing his back and looks up to see his best friend from his childhood, “Danny?”

Alex flings himself into his arms, leaving Jack on his knees, staring at the scene in front of him. “Danny” is sitting with Alex curled into him like a four year old. Jack gets this strange feeling in his stomach and it takes him a minute to realise that he’s jealous. He wants to laugh at himself, but he cant. He wants to be the one comforting Alex, not this Danny person. Jack tries to check out his competition discretely (except it’s not so discretely but shhhh, let him have his moment). The man has dark hair with a white-blonde stripe down the side. Danny looks up at Jack and all Jack can think is Oh my god his eyes are beautiful his eyes oh my god those eyes. They’re bright blue and sparkling with tears.

He reaches a hand out, “Hi, I’m Danny,” He says with Alex still clinging to his neck. Jack shakes his head and states his name. Danny nods, “So, how do you ‘Lex?” Lex. So he has a nickname for him. Jack thinks, jealousy coursing through his veins and making his blood boil. “Uh, it’s kind of a funny story. I found him in an alley after he was, uh, wait I don’t know if he wants me to say-” Alex rolls his eyes, “I was raped. And beaten. And Jack found me and took me home and is letting me stay with him.” He says, smile creeping on to his face slowly as he looks at Jack.

“Oh,” Danny says, “So, he’s either just a charity case to you, or you’re some sick twisted ass hole that’s going to hurt him.” Jack’s jaw drops, because yeah that hurt. And yeah, he’s done playing nice. Alex hisses Danny’s name as a warning but the man shrugs him off. Jack shakes his head, “Uh no actually I have feelings and I am a good person and I like Alex, like a lot, and want him to stay with me, regardless of how I met him.”

By now Alex has crawled out of Danny’s lap and is sitting between the two boys and if looks could kill, there would be two more funerals to visit. “Guys, can we not do this here please,” He says, remembering that he’s at his brothers funeral and getting upset all over again. Jack looks to him and nods, wrapping his long, lanky arms around the boy. Alex leans into his touch and watches as Danny walks away.


The funeral ends and every one goes their separate ways. Alex drives Jack and Matt to his parents house, where they all agreed to stay, Matt in the guest room and Jack and Alex in Alex’s old room. There’s just one problem; Alex shared a room with his brother and their parents kept it just as it used to be. It looks almost as if Daniel had just walked out to go over to a friends house or go out with some girl.

Alex walks around, looking at the various pictures sitting and hanging, the posters, the junk thrown semi-neatly into piles. There’s a steady flow of tears coming from his eyes, and he would be on the ground sobbing if Jack’s arms weren’t wrapped tightly around him. “C-can we get out of here. I-I thought I could do it but I-I can’t we can sleep on the pull out bed on the couch I can’t sleep in here I j-just can’t,” Alex says, pushing his way out of the door. Jack nods and whispers, “Sh, baby it’s okay. Let’s go for a walk. Or take me to your favorite place in town ever.” Alex nods and pulls Jack back down the stairs and to the car.

They’ve both already changed, Alex in a New Found Glory shirt and Jack in a blink shirt, both clad in tight skinny jeans. Alex drives to a park and gets out, with Jack close behind him. He leads the darker haired man to a spot with giant rocks, the kind that are almost taller than him. Alex climbs partially up a tree, jumps onto one of the big rocks, sits down and slides out of view. Jack follows him and looks around.

They’re in a small clearing, big enough for maybe five or six people. The grass is over grown and there is wild flowers mixed with the green. The entire thing is surrounded by trees and rocks, providing full privacy. “I’ve only ever brought one other person here. I had my first kiss right here.” Alex says, flattening his hand against a rock.

Something flashes in his eyes, but it’s difficult for Jack to put a name on it due to the poor lighting provided by the setting sun. Alex lays down and pats the spot beside him, looking up at Jack. Together they watch the sky turn beautiful shades of orange and pink and blue and even some purple. Alex entwines their fingers and smiles as his hand receives a squeeze.

The sun sets and it’s dark, the only light being the moon and some far away street lamp. Alex rolls over so that he’s on top of Jack. He pins his arms above his head and looks down at the gorgeous creature he’s some how managed to meet. “Is it too soon to tell you I love you? Because I do,” He says, leaning closer and closer to Jack’s face with each word. “I’ve loved you since the second I saw you,” Jack says, leaning up and closing the space between their lips.

At first it’s soft, sweet, innocent, gentle, then Alex licks at Jacks lower lip, asking for access. Of course he’s granted what he wants. The kiss deepens as the boys fight for dominance, Alex eventually winning. He explores the warm expanse of Jack’s mouth swiping and massaging. When they have to pull away for air, Jack rolls them over and attaches his mouth to Alex’s neck.

Alex tangles his hands into Jack’s hair, moaning as he sucks and bites at the soft flesh, definitely leaving at least four marks. Jack pulls back to admire his work and smiles, because Alex is now marked as his.

Jack rolls off of Alex to sit against a rock, motioning for Alex to come to him. Alex sits down on him, straddling his hips. Alex begins pressing small, soft kisses all over Jacks face. “Can we sleep out here? It’s so pretty,” Alex whispers looking up at the stars. Jack nods, “We can do whatever you want,” He whispers, pressing a soft kiss to Alex’s exposed neck.

Alex looks back down, confusion on his face, “I wonder...” he says, getting off of Jack and walking over to a rock. There’s a hole at the bottom, creating a mini cave on the ground. Alex reaches two hands in and pulls out a  wide plastic container with a grin. He opens it to show Jack, revealing blankets, food, water, umbrellas, and a first aid kit. Jack smiles as Alex says, “Me and my brother used to spend a lot of time out here,” with a small laugh. They curl up against a rock and use a blanket as pillows. They spend the rest of the night pointing out constellations (which probably don’t exist) and eating trail mix.

chaptered: don't think twice, author: underapaperm00n, rating: r, pairing: alex gaskarth/jack barakat

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