Don't Think Twice (3)

Aug 16, 2011 21:06

Title: Don’t Think Twice (3)
Author: Taylor, underapaperm00n
Pairing: Jalex (Jack Barakat/Alex Gaskarth)
Rating: overall R
Warnings: Rape
Summary: Everything is going wrong for Alex. Then he meets Jack.
Disclaimer: The only thing I own is the plot line. Title/Cut cred. go to their respective owners.
Author’s Notes: hi :3
Tumblr is here.

Alex spaces out when Jack leaves, thinks of the black haired man. He thinks of his big nose and his giant eyebrows. He thinks of how when he smiles, he gets little dimples and his eyes shine. He thinks about how he generally carries him self like a four year old, and he thinks of the awkward way Jack walks, swinging his arms and looking around at everything, anything. Alex is too caught up in his daydream to notice the star of them has entered the room.

“Whatcha smiling at?” Jack asks, goofy grin plastered to his face and tray full of food in his hands. There’s a huge stack of pancakes, topped with butter. Alex can see a little bowl with syrup and another one occupied by freshly cut strawberries. There’s a giant cup of orange juice and a smaller plate with bacon and sausage links. Alex shakes his head, successfully dismissing Jack’s question, “It looks amazing,” Alex says as Jack sits the tray down on his lap.

When Jack comes back with a bowl of captain crunch, Alex frowns, “That’s all you’re eating?” He asks. Jack shrugs, “‘M not that hungry.” Jack crawls into bed beside Alex and turns the tv on. He starts channel surfing and Alex pokes his side, “Help me eat this.” Jack shakes his head, “You eat it.” Alex sits the tray down on the beside table and grabs a piece of bacon. He crawls over to Jack on his knees and pushes the bacon to Jacks mouth. Jack shakes his head and pulls away, only to have Alex push harder. Jack makes the mistake of looking at Alex and completely melts.

The look on his face is priceless. Jack has never seen a grown man look so much like a three year old child before. Jack opens his mouth to accept the food, Alex’s face lighting up with triumph. Alex pulls the tray back on to his lap and together they finish off the enormous amount of food. Jack takes the tray back to the kitchen to clean up and Alex snuggles into the sheets. They’re warm and comfortable and smell like Jack. He hears footsteps, feels a dip in the bed beside him, and smiles as Jacks arms snake around his waist, pulling him closer.

“So what do you want to do today?” Jack asks. Alex shrugs, he wouldn’t really mind just laying here all day. “We could go to the park? Or go see a movie?” Jack suggests. Alex shrugs again and Jack rolls his eyes. “Wait, you need clothes. I mean you could always just wear mine if you want I don’t care. But, if you want to go to the mall I can buy you stuff.” Alex shakes his head, “Can we just stop by my friends apartment? I have a bunch of clothes at his place.” Jack nods and goes to get dressed. Alex sits up, stretches, yawns, and rubs his eyes with the palms of his hands.

He waits for Jack to come back out and then follows him to the car. Give ten minutes and they’re pulling into the parking lot to Matt's apartment building. “Uh, you can just wait here I guess. Matt will probably be a cunt if you come so uh, I’ll be right back,” Alex says as he crawls out of the car. He disappears into the tall structure and Jack turns up the radio.

Alex knocks on the door, silently hoping that Matt’s home. He’s about to knock again when the door swings open to reveal an aggravated looking Matt. “Wha-OH! Alex! Hey bro,” Matt says, walking away from the door to plop down on the sofa. “Uh, I’m staying with Jack this week I’m just going to grab a few things and leave,” Alex says, walking into the bedroom where all of Alex’s stuff is piled in a corner. Alex starts throwing things into a suitcase, and turns around to see Matt perched on the arm rest, staring at him with a raised eyebrow. “What?” Alex asks, moving to the bathroom to get his tooth brush and flat iron. “Where’s Jack?” Matt asks and Alex internally groans.

He was hoping against all hopes that Matt wouldn’t want to meet Jack. Matt has tried to scare off every person that’s come close to Alex since Danny. The thought of the man with the racing stripe in his hair makes Alex’s stomach twist very uncomfortably. He wills away the memories, forcing them deep back into the dark corner they usually reside in. “He’s out in the car. You aren’t allowed to meet him.” Alex says, zipping up his bag and making his way out back out to the living room. He’s almost at the door when Matt turns him around and pushes him backwards. Alex’s back hits the door with a loud thud. Matt’s lips attach to Alex’s neck and he’s totally not playing fair because he knows that’s Alex’s one weakness.

“Please?” Matt whispers in the other mans ear. His breath fans out across Alex’s neck, sending shivers down his spine. “I hate you,” Alex says, causing Matt to smirk and pull away. Alex takes a deep breath, “Just, try to be a little nice? Please?” Matt rolls his eyes and mutters, “Whatever.” Together they make their way back down to the car.

Alex throws his bag in the back seat and says, “Jack, my friend wants to meet you. He’s going to be a dick and I’m really sorry and you don’t have to answer his questions if you don’t want too.” Jack laughs and gets out, “He can’t be that mean,” Alex shakes his head and mumbles something that sounds like, “You have no clue.” Alex crosses his arms over his chest and leans against the car, bracing himself for Matt’s interrogation.

What he doesn’t expect though, is for Matt’s jaw to drop and he definitely doesn’t expect it when Jack says, “Matt?”

chaptered: don't think twice, author: underapaperm00n, rating: r, pairing: alex gaskarth/jack barakat

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