Three special bands for Kansai Seiatsu 2010~2011

Oct 21, 2010 00:03

Ok, this is sort of convoluted, but stick with me: remember the new omnibus I posted about this morning? UNDER CODE just uploaded a flyer advertising it. I guess UCP is actually involved with the omnibus somehow (I thought it was just SHOXX), because there's an additional ad at the bottom of the flyer for the 関西制圧2010~2011 (Kansai Seiatsu 2010~2011) event.

Ok, keep stickin' with me: remember how UCP said there would be three special announcements? The first being ClearVeil, the second being announced on Oct. 21st, and the third being announced on Nov. 1st? Welllll~ I think UNDER CODE gave them away early with that little flyer. So, without further ado~
  • Anjyu' will hold a one day revival at the event!
  • 平成維新 (HEISEI ISHIN) and Nega will be appearing!!
My guess is that Anjyu' was the second announcement and that HEISEI/Nega was the big third announcement. But maybe there are other announcements in store, who knows? In any case, those bands will be appearing and that will be awesome. However! Beside HEISEI and Nega, there is some Japanese phrase that is too small for me to make out. It probably says “special guests” or something, but maybe it says “will definitely not be appearing, don't get your hopes up loser.” So just take this as rumor for now, I guess.

(Here's the flyer for anyone that wants to see it for themselves) Pretty cool right :D?

live, ⏆ HEISEI ISHIN (平成維新), live: 制圧 (Seiatsu) series, ⏆ Anjyu', ⏀ NEGA

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