
Sep 11, 2010 01:09

Every community needs rules and guidelines to keep itself organized, and to control it's crazy members~ :)

01. The most important rule, is to READ the rules. Your violations will be accounted for. After 4 warnings, you will be temporarily banned. If you still are violating the rules, you'll be permanently banned.
02. Lj cut. Use them.
04. None of that private journal stuff when linking fics. You must have it public for at least 48 hours before you choose whether to lock it or not. The only exception is for NC-17 and R rated fics where they must be member locked.
05. If you want an advertisement shown or to affiliate, contact the mods asking for permission and post which mod gave you the permission.
06. No changing or altering texts outside of the default setting. It may be eye catching to your eyes, but it can be not only an eye sore to other, but because of others layout settings, it may not appear the same. Posts will be deleted.
07. Please only post 1 entry a day. We want to keep this community organized so we'd prefer if you prefer if you posted 1 entry with 3 fanworks, than 3 separate. 
08. Please tag your posts! It may not seem like a big deal, but using the proper tags can be very helpful to other people. Inappropriate or lack of tagging will count as a violation and will add up quickly and get you banned! Mods may edit tags if feeling generous,
09. This is a Dalmatian community, so Dalmatian related posts only(excluding adds)!

mod: rules

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