so I haven't actually had time to read this yet, lol, but I'll be back. I just wanted to say--yeah, go ahead and post it up at DS. don't be scrrd. folks over there are super nice :)
I've heard that the people at DS are not too formidable for a newbie like me, I suppose that the main neurosis is that there are some really amazing writers, present company very definitely included (I adore Backup even more than Won't Back Down, and I was addicted to that), that write there and I don't want to embarass myself in illustrious company.
aww thanks honey, that's very sweet. so glad to hear you're enjoying my little fic.
but, you know, I really say, fuck it. not that I think you *would*, but even if you did make an ass out of yourself, what would be the big deal? it's the internet. millions of people making asses of themselves every day :)
but you won't. and you know you want people to read it. that's why we write ;)
You should definitely post it at darker_spike! You might want to have it beta'd first. But if you don't - the hotness is so mind-blowing here, there's a good chance that no one will notice any of those tiny little errors.
And in case I didn't make it clear, I really loved this entire little mini-series!!!!!
Thank you so much for the confidence boost, think I've got the extreme smut sorted, now it's just brushing up un the pesky plot thang! I'm such a newbie I'd really appreciate some advice on how I could go about getting a beta, is there a specific proceedure, would they need to be bribed with goods, and/or services, etc. etc. By the way - loved A Price Beyond Rubies, looking forward to reading more of it.
heyy, I've only ever beta'd once, but I'm fair with grammar when it's not my own. I could give it a go for you. might be a delay of a few days, if you don't mind that. then again, I might do it tonight. just depends on my masters work.
for future reference, you can post up to the comm you intend to post to, asking for a beta...or there's a special comm for beta-seeking in the buffyverse, but...I don't know what that is.
You truly are a fine upstanding gentlewoman and I would be very grateful if you could find time, but I do understand if you are too busy and would prefer if I made other arrangements. One thing only, the spelling is British English, cause that's what I am.
If you're still willing, should I send it to you complete by email as a Word attachment, or can you access it through my lj memory, or is there an other way?
I also wanted to say that if you need a little back up help as a beta, I'm also available. I rarely beta, and the main person I did beta for has dropped off lj - so I can fit in a little if you need.
Thank you very much, everybody has been so kind, btvslover82 has offered for this time, and I've gratefully accepted, but I know that she is also busy so if there are any problems it's really good to know you're there. I just feel overwhelmed that two of my favourite writers have taken the time to be so supportive. *sniffles joyfully and starts thinking of grubby prequel*
Licentious SecretsuncouthkittenAugust 9 2006, 13:42:56 UTC
Just wondering if you might have a little beta'ing time on your hands? *grovels furtively*. Mel did Ch 1 & 2 but my internet server died for over two weeks then RL caught up and there was no time left. I quite understand if you're too busy it's been a long time since the original message and things change - but I'd be very grateful if you do have time to have a quick scout over Ch 3 & 4.
Thank you, hope that you enjoyed it. I've been playing with the prequel but it just won't stay fun and grubby - it's gone and got all story based and angsty, up to Ch 3 with 5 oc deaths and not a whiff of smut. It hates me.
Comments 16
but, you know, I really say, fuck it. not that I think you *would*, but even if you did make an ass out of yourself, what would be the big deal? it's the internet. millions of people making asses of themselves every day :)
but you won't. and you know you want people to read it. that's why we write ;)
And in case I didn't make it clear, I really loved this entire little mini-series!!!!!
for future reference, you can post up to the comm you intend to post to, asking for a beta...or there's a special comm for beta-seeking in the buffyverse, but...I don't know what that is.
If you're still willing, should I send it to you complete by email as a Word attachment, or can you access it through my lj memory, or is there an other way?
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