Who: Hallelujah Haptism (
bloody_hymn) & Allelujah Haptism (
When: Sometime around midnight.
Where: Allelujah's room- D-136
Rating: R as per default.
Summary: Hallelujah visits Allelujah because he's worried he want to make sure Alle hasn't hurt himself fucked up.
Warnings: Haptism Duality and Hal being Hal. Possible (probably) Gundam 00 spoilers.
...There were too many variables. )
Comments 6
Something had Hallelujah rattled. It wasn't just the establishment itself - the idea that they could still be being watched. That wouldn't matter to him in the slightest.
He sighed, rolling off the bed to his feet at the insistant knocking and moving across the room. This was going to be interesting.
He opened the door, his hair falling as usual, with the added purpose of obscuring the scarred side of his face as he gestured inside.
"Come in, I guess."
"Aww, Alle, you make it sound like you don't want to see me." He spoke in that playfully nice tone, forcing the amuse smirk back on his face. He wasn't prone to letting his other in on his thoughts. "I take it you've been enjoying the silence?" His eyes roved over the room with a small frown. It was a carbon-copy of the one next door that he resided in. Very uninteresting.
"So, what's this 'the last battle' deal?" He pulled over the chair, straddling it and resting his arms folded on the back, chin on his wrists as he watched the other man with a frown. "Don;t blame you for being cryptic on the forums, but seriously- I've been here for a long fucking time, I missed something."
The amusement gave way in the end, and it was all he could do not to gawk as Hallelujah pulled out the chair and sat down, all he could do not to double check that, yes, he still did have a body of his own. He pushed the door shut again, moving to lean against the wall.
"Where should I start? The last time I talked to you Kyrios' control panel had just blown up in our face." He wasn't going to bother messing around with pronouns. There wasn't really much point in that. "You said you were going ahead and... then you weren't there anymore. But you don't remember that."
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