Who: Poland (totally_feliks), Lithuania (toris_lietuvos) When: After this Where: Poland's room Rating: PG13 Summary: the aftermath of the big fight Warnings: tragedy
"Shh," he soothed in a voice that was scarcely even a whisper, "just rest. It will heal you."
Liet laid his head alongside Poland's and let his fingers search for any part of his partner that it was safe to caress. Because he could not embrace him, that would be far too painful. So this would have to be a substitute. He was not lying down on the bed, merely bending over it. Because even though there normally was just enough space for the two of them, he didn't want to chance that now. Once he was resting properly again, he would check the bandages and make sure everything was alright.
((awww!!! ;-; *hugs* *gives hot coco and a blanket* ))
He knew that voice, probably better than he knew his own, (after all, people say you sound different to yourself) but even though he listened, it was more to appreciate the fact that Liet was here, still here with him. It was astonishing in it's own way, not because Poland believed him to be a fairweather friend, but he'd become used to crashing and burning. Alone. So he didn't actually heed anything that was being said, and tried to open his mouth to reply
( ... )
"Don't speak." Not when trying would cause him so much pain. They could coexist in predominant silence for a while and be perfectly fine. And that weak touch was communication enough for him. He cradled Poland's hand with his own.
His eyes were dry, and in a way he felt bad for that. Now, of all times, was the time to cry. And yet ... he felt scraped out and raw inside. Tears came when the emotion you felt inside welled up so much that you could not help but let it out. But if he let out what was in him ... it would not be mere tears, but mad screaming as well. And as much as he wanted to cry for his love, he could not risk that.
"Please ... please rest." I can not take seeing you hurt this way.
He couldn't help it, he had to. Even if it was going to hurt. Poland rolled his eyes, and a tiny snort escaped his prone and parted lips. He didn't exactly feel like returning to that dark forest....having hardly ever experienced nightmares, they seemed especially strong to him now, and he would avoid sleep now as much as he could. Which might actually not be long, considering how weak he felt right now.
But not yet.
Had he been able to talk, he knew exactly what he would have said. Chances were, Liet did too. I am resting. See? Lying down and everything...how much more rested can I be? But he couldn't, and someone as vocal as Poland was clearly going to go crazy with such little communication. Still weakly, he tried to flip over the hand holding his, using one of the fingers with less bruising on the knuckles (He'd tried to punch Russia after all...of course it would have bruised, it was like punching an iceberg) to trail along his palm in a light shaky motion, like a pen
( ... )
He didn't have the protection of his smiles. What he felt, he showed. Though he didn't want to. He was distressed that Poland wouldn't sleep. He'd been hurt so badly, and there was nothing else that Liet could do to help him. But he did understand what was being asked for. Writing. But, could he write properly in this condition? Well he certainly couldn't talk but it was better than nothing.
Though he hated to be away from the blond for even a moment, he retreated to 'his' corner of the room and brought back a small blank book and a pencil.
((ooc; so dead ... so very dead ... uhg ... *flop*))
Comments 55
Liet laid his head alongside Poland's and let his fingers search for any part of his partner that it was safe to caress. Because he could not embrace him, that would be far too painful. So this would have to be a substitute. He was not lying down on the bed, merely bending over it. Because even though there normally was just enough space for the two of them, he didn't want to chance that now. Once he was resting properly again, he would check the bandages and make sure everything was alright.
((awww!!! ;-; *hugs* *gives hot coco and a blanket* ))
"Don't speak." Not when trying would cause him so much pain. They could coexist in predominant silence for a while and be perfectly fine. And that weak touch was communication enough for him. He cradled Poland's hand with his own.
His eyes were dry, and in a way he felt bad for that. Now, of all times, was the time to cry. And yet ... he felt scraped out and raw inside. Tears came when the emotion you felt inside welled up so much that you could not help but let it out. But if he let out what was in him ... it would not be mere tears, but mad screaming as well. And as much as he wanted to cry for his love, he could not risk that.
"Please ... please rest." I can not take seeing you hurt this way.
But not yet.
Had he been able to talk, he knew exactly what he would have said. Chances were, Liet did too. I am resting. See? Lying down and everything...how much more rested can I be? But he couldn't, and someone as vocal as Poland was clearly going to go crazy with such little communication. Still weakly, he tried to flip over the hand holding his, using one of the fingers with less bruising on the knuckles (He'd tried to punch Russia after all...of course it would have bruised, it was like punching an iceberg) to trail along his palm in a light shaky motion, like a pen ( ... )
Though he hated to be away from the blond for even a moment, he retreated to 'his' corner of the room and brought back a small blank book and a pencil.
((ooc; so dead ... so very dead ... uhg ... *flop*))
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