Feb 19, 2017 15:42
It had all happened in a bit of a blur. Kanan had gotten home from work, had settled in for a quiet night of staring off, bored, into the void in the company of his dog and a bottle of something 160 proof, and had almost immediately been interrupted with a call from Portalocity. Apparently whatever the hold-up was keeping them from safely opening further portals to his home reality had been cleared, apparently something called a 'mynock' had gotten into the system on that end (of course it had been a kriffing mynock) and Kanan was cleared for portal travel back to Gorse whenever was most convenient. They would even give him half off the fare for his next trip!
Provided he took it in the next two hours.
Kanan looked at Stance, and sighed.
"I suppose if I'm going to stick around, I had better at least face the music and give Okadiah back his ship. Maybe I can catch a lift on an outgoing freighter and find my way to Moraga to pick up the Escape from there."
Stance whined, tilted his head at Kanan, and then gave his tail an experimental wag.
"Sorry, boy. I'm gonna have to find a sitter for you. At least until Steve gets Tony to make you that Adventure Dog harness."
Stance huffed and flopped down on the sofa, leaving Kanan to make preparations.
[OOC: Open! Last for-interaction post for at least a few days from this loser here!]
places: mca 3,
topic: why does fandom do this,
topic: establishy thing,
people: eliot spencer